View Full Version : An experiment in accelerated darkening

Kelvin Burton
05-11-2012, 1:23 AM
Recently I turned this bowl from Osage Orange (AKA Bois D'Arc, Bodark) and filled a large crack with coffee grounds and CA Glue. The filler turned out darker than I expected but since I know OO turns dark brown over time from exposure to UV light I thought I'd try and speed up the process.


I bought a cheaper "black light" from Wally World and hung it over the bowl in my shop for maybe 3 days. There was a noticeable darkening in that time, much quicker than another block from the same tree that is in our kitchen and near a window. I still need to do some more, I'd like it to be a medium chocolate color.

Bowl is 9" x 3", finished with Danish Oil and WOP then buffed.

C & C welcome.

John Keeton
05-11-2012, 5:43 AM
Nice work on the bowl, Kelvin, and an interesting experiment!! I would doubt you can get it that dark, but it we won't know until you try. Be sure to post a follow up pic.

Dick Strauss
05-12-2012, 8:26 AM
I wonder if you could slip it into a tanning bed to accelerate the process! Just food for thought given the UV output of the beds...

Jim Underwood
05-12-2012, 8:48 AM
I imagine setting in sunlight would do much the same. Lotta radiation in that stuff... According to my dentist, it sure will mess up bite-wing x-ray pictures.

Barry Richardson
05-12-2012, 10:29 AM
Putting a bit of lye (Drano) in water and brushing it on OO darkens it instantly. Use appropriate precautions though, i.e. rubber gloves and good ventilation or a respirator. Does the same to any other woods with tanins, Oak, cherry, walnut... etc. Probably wont work for you this go, since its already finished, but an FYI

Steve Schlumpf
05-12-2012, 10:48 AM
That looks pretty good! Makes me wonder how well the black light would work on Cherry!