View Full Version : Mother's Day gift for the wife

Kelvin Burton
05-11-2012, 12:25 AM
Last year at SWAT I was fortunate to be given a large slab of Mesquite cut across the grain. Since it was too big to spin on my lathe I've been waiting for the opportunity to turn it on another club member's lathe. That chance came up a couple of weeks ago and this is the result.


Size is 16.5" x 13" x 3". Finish is Danish Oil, Shellac and Gem Coat lacquer. The new owner doesn't plan to let it go - except maybe to the Instant Gallery at this year's SWAT :D

C&C welcome.

Bill Hensley
05-11-2012, 5:43 AM
That's a beauty, and big! My compliments on the shape and finish. All around well done.

John Keeton
05-11-2012, 5:46 AM
Kelvin, I have often wanted to try crosscuts of other woods, but felt sure I was just wasting my time as it would crack horribly. But, the mesquite seems to have done quite well with it, and looks great!! Beautiful color and figure!

Rick Markham
05-11-2012, 6:12 AM
That's spectacular Kelvin! I don't blame her for not wanting to let it go ;)

Mike Cruz
05-11-2012, 6:31 AM
Love the shape and form. I think you nailed this! Can't blame your wife for not letting this one go. Definately a keeper.

Michelle Rich
05-11-2012, 6:37 AM
lovely & graceful

Eric Holmquist
05-11-2012, 7:07 AM
Beautiful piece, the form and the wood are both great. Kudos on the challange of an end grain piece with knots like this holding together so well.

Ken Glass
05-11-2012, 8:10 AM
That is a beautiful turning and you must have taken extraordinary means to keep it form cracking or got lucky. I always love trying end grain/ crosscut pieces, but haven't had as good a result as this one. Well Done.

Roger Chandler
05-11-2012, 9:31 AM
That-R-Purdy!!! Nice work Kelvin!

Thomas Canfield
05-11-2012, 11:00 PM

Looks like a good reason to get a bigger lathe. That is a real treasure, and I hope to see it at SWAT.

Kathy Marshall
05-11-2012, 11:06 PM
I can see why she doesn't want to let it go. That's a fantastic piece! I've got plenty of mesquite, so I might just have to give that a try.

Paul Gallian
05-11-2012, 11:42 PM
a real beauty

Steve Schlumpf
05-12-2012, 2:01 PM
Beautiful work Kelvin! Great form and the rich color reminds me of Fire Agate! Very nice!

Deane Allinson
05-12-2012, 5:47 PM
Very nice Kelvin. I keep coming back to look at it. Very nice piece of wood too. I love the rim shapes. I will have to try that on a smaller piece of mesquite that I haven't split yet.

Bernie Weishapl
05-12-2012, 10:24 PM
That is beautiful Kelvin. I really like the form and the finish is spot on.

Thomas Bennett
05-13-2012, 8:59 PM
very impressive! I'd like to see it in person. That is a big, beautiful bowl.

Baxter Smith
05-13-2012, 10:01 PM
Stunning piece Kevin. I have seen a few red maples that might yield a similar shape but I doubt they would hold together like the mesquite!