View Full Version : What did you make for mothers' day?

Zach England
05-10-2012, 5:46 PM
I made this...pardon the bad cell phone pic.

Todd Burch
05-10-2012, 6:24 PM
I cleaned out the garage so she can park in it. Does that count?

Chris Padilla
05-10-2012, 7:34 PM
I usually make a phone call. :)

Todd Burch
05-10-2012, 8:01 PM
I usually make a phone call. :)

Oh, that mother! My mom is out of town. She'll get a call. I made her my listing agent for the sale of my house. She'll get probably more than most will spend on their moms!

Todd Burch
05-10-2012, 8:01 PM
Oh, and Zach... Cool bench!

Jeff Monson
05-11-2012, 10:30 PM
Phone call, card and a gift card to her favorite flower nursery.

Nice bench Zach, how bout a pic of the top?

Matt Meiser
05-12-2012, 8:51 AM
I made the money to by my wife a spa gift card. I overheard her telling my SIL that she always gets one for mothers day (in a good way) so she's expecting it.

We always get our moms hanging baskets. Yesterday I went with my mom and brother to the greenhouse and my mom bought one less basket than she needs so she's expecting it.

Zach England
05-14-2012, 8:35 AM
http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/305572_3889717892095_1553413332_3206593_947691402_ n.jpg