View Full Version : A little shop time

Mike Golka
05-07-2012, 5:46 PM
Well I'm no Bill Wyko but I did get a little time in the shop this weekend. The inspiration for this came from a project the LOML is working on. She is making a quilt that I like the pattern of so decided to try it in wood, Alowood and Maple. The cutoffs from the main segments will yield 24 more segments, 12 smaller stars and 12 pinwheels. Unfortunately it will be at least a month and half before I'll get back to the shop:mad: Oh well that will give me plenty of time to refine the details of the final project.

Jason Clark2
05-07-2012, 6:01 PM
My wife is also a quilter, I'm not showing her this page as I'm afraid it will give her ideas.

Jim Burr
05-07-2012, 6:29 PM
Mike...I think you and Bill are shooting from the same gun. Super job and the joint lines are very tight! If memory serves...didn't you do one of these a while back based on one of your wife's quilting masterpieces?

Roger Chandler
05-07-2012, 9:24 PM
WOW!!! What a fine feature ring...........that is outstanding!

Bernie Weishapl
05-07-2012, 11:29 PM
That is going to be one beautiful feature ring Mike. Can't wait to see it finished.

Jeff Hamilton Jr.
05-07-2012, 11:42 PM
Awesome. And awesomer (My one word answer was too short for the modbot!)

John Keeton
05-08-2012, 5:40 AM
Fantastic work, Mike! So, what will be the end purpose of this accent ring? Do you have a plan for it? It looks to be a fairly large ring.

ray hampton
05-08-2012, 5:52 AM
a quilt ring, to hold the quilt ?

Michelle Rich
05-08-2012, 6:21 AM
You are no segmenting slouch either..the pattern is superb. I can't wait to see what will showcase this design

Mike Golka
05-08-2012, 10:35 AM
Thank you all for your kind words. Jim, you must be thinking of someone else, my wife just recently got started quilting. John as i said the details still need to be worked out as far as final project but more than likely it will be a hollow form of some sort. After finding out the cutoffs were large enough to make something out of I may use them as well. It is very common to start with the feature ring and design around that. The ring is just over 10" in dia. and the small stars are about 3/4" square.

Tom Winship
05-08-2012, 12:04 PM
Well I'm no Bill Wyko.........................t.

Mike, If you put me at a 1 and Bill Wyko at a 10, you are certainly a 9++++. I'm still trying to figure out how you did it.

John K., to me this is the intrigue of segmenting, that I don't find in other turning. There are about 300 pieces in this feature ring and they all have to be perfect. I have to get started on a 12 segment, 24 piece feature ring. Don't want to overload myself.

Baxter Smith
05-08-2012, 8:27 PM
Very pretty ring! I am looking forward to seeing what it goes in. Great work!