View Full Version : rebirth

francesco dibari
05-07-2012, 4:17 PM
.. of apricot wood .. unfortunately it was pretty cool, as you see it cracked at the sapwood and thought I'd take it off completely, the finish is boiled linseed oil .. The inside is lined with mother of pearl pasta and acrylic paint .. I'm undecided whether to add a dash of mild to increase the brightness inside .. as it seemed "obvious" .. (IMHO) the ball to you and be good because it is the first of its kind .we know 'was almost 3 months behind .. :o. the photos are definitely sucks .. :mad:.... Thanks for your assistance and advice ... :)










Mike Golka
05-07-2012, 5:52 PM
Now thats different! Can't quite say I like it though, just not my taste. Great job on the save though.

francesco dibari
05-07-2012, 5:57 PM
Now thats different! Can't quite say I like it though, just not my taste. Great job on the save though.

.. thanks Mike .. :)

Josh Bowman
05-07-2012, 6:06 PM
That's wild! Looks like some gnarly beast hatched.

francesco dibari
05-07-2012, 6:16 PM
That's wild! Looks like some gnarly beast hatched.

Thanks Josh .... :) what is "gnarly" ..?!? .. :confused:..

Scott Hackler
05-07-2012, 6:17 PM

I really like the idea here (because of a save or for what ever reason). The dark graining lines on the outside and the void areas are really cool. I really don't care for the white interior though. That might just be personal preference. I believe I would have prefered a very dark or even a gold or copper guilding.

Overall, it is very interesting. Thanks for sharing it.

francesco dibari
05-07-2012, 6:21 PM

I really like the idea here (because of a save or for what ever reason). The dark graining lines on the outside and the void areas are really cool. I really don't care for the white interior though. That might just be personal preference. I believe I would have prefered a very dark or even a gold or copper guilding.

Overall, it is very interesting. Thanks for sharing it.

.. many thanks Scott ... :) ..

Josh Bowman
05-07-2012, 6:40 PM
Sorry, guess the 1960's beach bum is coming out in me!



Difficult, dangerous, or challenging.

Jerrimy Snook
05-07-2012, 6:45 PM
I think it is beautiful. You must have alot of patience and huevos the size of that HF. Nicely done!

francesco dibari
05-07-2012, 6:52 PM
Sorry, guess the 1960's beach bum is coming out in me!



Difficult, dangerous, or challenging.

.... no problem Josh ... thanks for the explanation .. :)

francesco dibari
05-07-2012, 6:54 PM
I think it is beautiful. You must have alot of patience and huevos the size of that HF. Nicely done!

thank you Jerremy .. :)

Roger Chandler
05-07-2012, 9:36 PM
Much originality and very well done! One doesn't see something like this every day, that is for sure. Nice work........what was your inspiration?

francesco dibari
05-08-2012, 2:21 AM
Much originality and very well done! One doesn't see something like this every day, that is for sure. Nice work........what was your inspiration?

hello Roger , difficult to explain thinking is so intimate and personal, but I try:
in my work I prefer to avoid using paint because I always want to see the wood grain, but in this case the paint is part of the work as it represents therebirth matter overflowing from the outside and ideally will cover all the exterior, with its burning and its defects, generating an egg is considered that since ancient symbol of life .. :)
.. I hope I have explained the best, sorry for my bad English :( ... and thanks for your particular interest .. :)

John Keeton
05-08-2012, 5:51 AM
Francesco, I am not sure I totally grasp the inspiration, but the execution of this work is superb. The decision to open the form was the right one and the painting on the outside is perfectly done - great flow and proportions. I think the inside color needs to be more to the very, very light yellow hue.

What is the "mother of pearl pasta"? Very neat look!

Michelle Rich
05-08-2012, 6:24 AM
WILD!!! eye-popper!!!

francesco dibari
05-08-2012, 7:37 AM
Francesco, I am not sure I totally grasp the inspiration, but the execution of this work is superb. The decision to open the form was the right one and the painting on the outside is perfectly done - great flow and proportions. I think the inside color needs to be more to the very, very light yellow hue.

What is the "mother of pearl pasta"? Very neat look!

Hello John , this is the paste of pearl .. "moldable acrylic" .. I do not know if you find by you .. :o


Thanks for your interest ... :)

francesco dibari
05-08-2012, 7:39 AM
WILD!!! eye-popper!!!

:) .. Thanks ..

Jim Underwood
05-08-2012, 12:53 PM
I think you need to post a couple more pix... just kidding. ;)

Very interesting hollow form! With that many voids and cracks, it must have kept you on your toes though...

francesco dibari
05-08-2012, 4:57 PM
I think you need to post a couple more pix... just kidding. ;)

Very interesting hollow form! With that many voids and cracks, it must have kept you on your toes though...

thanks Jim :) ...