View Full Version : Turning symposium

Matt Newton
05-06-2012, 11:09 AM
Spent yesterday at the New Hampshire Woodturning Symposium. Great demonstrators and a lot of info learned. I am always amazed by how open and receptive woodturners are with info and tips. I should already know this from being on this website. I sat in on demos by Michael Kehs, Andy DiPietro, Ed Kelle and Beth Ireland, all excellent. Now I just have to remember all that info!

Bernie Weishapl
05-06-2012, 12:52 PM
Symposiums are great not only as a learning experience but meeting the turners. Sounds like you had a great day.

Steve Schlumpf
05-06-2012, 2:15 PM
Symposiums are a great source of knowledge and inspiration! Glad you had the chance to attend!

Faust M. Ruggiero
05-06-2012, 4:01 PM
I hope you took the time to speak with Mike Kehs. He is local to my area and a member of our AAW chapter. We've been fortunate to have him as a guest demonstrator several times. In addition to being a wood artist, he is a delight to speak with all kinds of woodwork. He is as accomplished as a carver and furniture builder as he is a turner. How did you enjoy Beth Ireland? She will be here for an all day demo in two weeks. I'm looking forward to seeing her work.

Eric Holmquist
05-06-2012, 4:15 PM
I had a great time too at Pinkerton, great demos and instant gallery. Even treated myself to some tools.

Chris Studley
05-06-2012, 9:02 PM
I was able to attend myself, great time, and even got to meet a few creekers... I picked myself up a 5/8" bowl gouge from Doug Thompson himself, got to meet him and save myself the shipping.

Funny enough at the instant gallery I found myself looking at a piece that I first saw
here, looked at the name and it was Baxter, I must say that the life he brought was getting a fair amount of attention.

Baxter Smith
05-06-2012, 11:40 PM
Attending the New England Symposium definitely made for an enjoyable and memorable day. In some respects, the creekers and other turners that I was able to meet throughout the day was at the top of the list.
These cell phone pictures were only taken with the intention of sending to family, but they may add some interest here. Started the day watching JoHannes Michelson turn a hat from a piece of cherry.

Session two was Mike Foster explaining his minimal surface work. Some of which was on display in the instant gallery.

By lunch time I already had information overload!

The afternoon was Donna Blanfield,
then Peter Bloch and wooden lampshades. Didn’t take any pictures of the lampshades though woodshades.com will give you all the pics you need!:)
I would be lying if I said I didn’t check out a few Aspen trees today.

Thanks again to all the creekers who said hi, they certainly helped make my day a memorable one!

Alan Zenreich
05-07-2012, 6:40 PM
Lauren and I enjoyed the symposium.

The presenters were all very good, and quite varied.

Got to see lots of friends, but somehow managed to entirely miss most of the Creekers <s>