View Full Version : New Tool for my arsenal - boxed in!

Roger Chandler
05-05-2012, 7:32 PM
I went to our monthly club meeting this morning ......one of our fellow turners, Denny Martin had made this tool out of a box core router bit.........it fits my monster rig, and I can use it with a handle as well........I plan on using it and placing a review on it here on SMC...........I have seen a couple of mentions on certain forums about this type of tool.......well, I am going to give it a good evaluation........will post results.

Also, I am scheduled in July to do a demo for our club on making lidded boxes.........I have a good bit of wood on hand, but very little dry and stable...........I need to get several different shapes and styles done in advance, to show on that occasion, and also have a couple of blanks of dry wood to use for the demo itself.......

I was able to pick up these pieces of wood at our meeting.......such a treasure trove available.......lots of cherry, and some cedar, elm, walnut, hackberry, maple, some dunno wood, and a couple of pieces of walnut as well, big enough for a bowl or platter.


Jamie Donaldson
05-05-2012, 7:39 PM
I've tried several versions of such cutters over the years Roger, and had unspectacular results at best. The cutters aren't very sharp, and difficult to sharper to a better edge, so I "retired" them with several other cutters such as the Termites, ring tools, etc. Back to the old standard spindle and bowl gouges for predictable and controllable results!

Roger Chandler
05-05-2012, 7:43 PM
Thanks for the heads-up Jamie............Denny made this after hearing some others speak of it..........I told him that I would do an evaluation and post a review...........we will put it through its paces.

Question for you........I feel this will pretty much be a scraper type tool........did you use yours above center line on a bowl form, or hollow form...........what about angle of presentation to the wood.........any tips?

Bob Bergstrom
05-05-2012, 8:49 PM
I tried a similar tool with a box core bit. Concluded I had many tools already that could do a better job and I put it on the shelf also. Give it a go and let us know what you think

Bernie Weishapl
05-05-2012, 9:41 PM
Roger hope your demo goes well. I have tried a couple of those router bit tools and like the others had less than spectacular results. I no longer have them.

Roger Chandler
05-05-2012, 9:47 PM
Looks like a consensus of thought on the usefulness/effectiveness of this tool...........I only took it to do an evaluation on it, so I have no personal investment in it..........more like a test pilot flying a new plane.......[at least for my circle of friends] so a good workout, and an honest evaluation will allow the maker of this to see whether or not it is worth his time to do them.

Jamie Donaldson
05-05-2012, 10:07 PM
I tried box core and ball end mills, as well as a big fluted twist drill bit, cutting(more like scraping!) above center on open bowls, just to check out the operation. The fact that they're made of some good steel doesn't mean they will do a job better than another tool, and we're all "just 1 tool away from greatness!"