View Full Version : Very basic questions on humidors

Phil Koundakjian
05-04-2012, 9:11 PM
I've noticed that all the humidor construction seem to be veneered.

Is the veneer for show or does it have a purpose related to wood movement?
What type of wood is the carcass/frame made of?
What wood has the least movement?

Thanks ..

Mark Duksta
05-04-2012, 9:45 PM

Typically, humidors are lined with Spanish cedar. You can make the box with any type of wood. I think most are veneered because the it's cheaper for the manufacturer to use a very nice veneer instead of solid wood.

Ron Natalie
05-04-2012, 10:27 PM
Remember the humidor will be at 70% RH on the inside and whatever ambient is on the outside. Veneers over something pretty stable is the way to go.

Phil Koundakjian
05-05-2012, 12:56 AM
Thanks for the responses. What I was thinking of doing is build a very basic humidor and once I learn veneering and finishing I would graduate to a more sophisticated procedure. I figure a humidor is a challenging project that a lot of techniques will be used.