View Full Version : The Blood Urn

Johnny Taylor
05-04-2012, 3:25 PM
I haven't turned anything for a couple of months and had to turn some items for a client and some simple things for a craft fair we are attending tomorrow. After making the boring things I had to make something for my own enjoyment/creative sanity!!! lol.
'The Blood Urn' stands 9" tall and is coloured and textured with acrylics.The base is a 1/4 circle of
mahogany coloured black, the main body of the urn is Elm and the sphere is an unknown hardwood.
This was a pig to photograph with light reflections, especially in the edges of the rectangular panel.

Your comments and critiques are most welcome.

The story behind the design and other info can be found on my blog(Linked in my profile) if anyone wishes to see


Roger Chandler
05-04-2012, 4:07 PM
Good piece, Johnny..........some question[s].........does the acrylic paint leave the textured surface that you have on this? May I ask what was the final grit you sanded to? Looks like you have some gold color showing through the red...is that the wood showing through....or ..........is that acrylic as well?

Nice color scheme and form........the knob and black collar compliment it well.

Steve Schlumpf
05-04-2012, 7:51 PM
Very interesting combination of color and form! I like it! Happy to see you posting again! Best of luck with your crafts fair tomorrow!

Jim Burr
05-04-2012, 8:43 PM
Nice to have ya back Johnny! I like it sans base...stands well on it's own...no pun intended.

John Keeton
05-04-2012, 9:12 PM
Great texture and color, and a very interesting knob. I will need to take a look at the blog.

Michelle Rich
05-05-2012, 6:57 AM
what i find most fascinating is your base..carrying the color into a rectangle...why this works is not clear to me. I just like the idea.

Bernie Weishapl
05-05-2012, 10:36 AM
I like it. Nice color and form.