View Full Version : Buffing WOP

Chris Colman
05-02-2012, 8:15 AM
A couple of questions for all of you WOP buffers out there.

1. How long do you let the last coat cure before you buff?

2. What do you use to de-nib?

3. Have you ever used automotive paste wax? Is there a less expensive alternative to REN wax?

John Keeton
05-02-2012, 8:38 AM
Chris, I will jump in here because I will probably be the only person doing this!! I de-nib with 0000, and buff within 48 hours, sometimes less. I have used Johnson Paste wax before, but not since using Ren wax. Jamie Donaldson gets a very nice finish with Nu-Finish car polish.

Dennis Ford
05-02-2012, 11:40 AM
I do the same as John although I have used 600 grit paper to de-nib in severe cases. I have used Minwax brand paste wax and Johnson paste wax and had good results although the Ren wax is easier to use.

Kyle Iwamoto
05-02-2012, 11:45 AM
I wet sand with micromesh, although I stop mid way through the many many grits that the kit comes with. I think I stop at what ever 15,000 is. I usually wait for a week, although that is really excessive. I'm sure you could buff as soon as John does.
Ren wax..... Yes the small tiny can is pricey, but a little goes a really long way. I dont think it's expensive when you consider it's use.

Russell Neyman
05-02-2012, 12:29 PM
Chris, I will jump in here because I will probably be the only person doing this!! I de-nib with 0000, and buff within 48 hours, sometimes less....

The implication here, John, is that you feel it's important to buff soon after applying the finish, and that we should avoid waiting past the 48-hour mark. I haven't used WOP all that much (as I have said so often, I'm a lacquer man) but was under the impression that the more cured polyurethane gets, the more aggressively it can be polished.

John Keeton
05-02-2012, 1:23 PM
Russell, I did't mean to imply that as a critical window - more of an indication of my impatience! It is pretty soft at 48 hours, and will buff easily, but one does not want to be aggressive with it. I have found that it is more difficult, at least for me, to get a smooth enough finish if I wait a couple of weeks.

Russell Neyman
05-02-2012, 8:20 PM
John, you couldn't possibly be more impatient than I am when it comes to finishing!