View Full Version : Co-won the feature ring contest @ segmentedwoodturners.org.

Bill Wyko
05-01-2012, 4:06 PM
There has been a contest going on at segmentedwoodturners for the best feature ring. The voting was going on for 2 weeks. We were within 2 votes for the longest time. In the last couple days it was a tie which is how it ended. Talk about a nail biter. I won a 1/2" Glaser Hitec bowl gouge. We all know how much I like my Glaser tools, now another one to add to the collection. I know I'll get a lot of use out of it. There we a lot of amazing feature rings, everyone of them is a winner in my book. 231114

Roger Chandler
05-01-2012, 4:09 PM
A truly fine piece of craftsmanship, Bill........congratulations on your win........I hope you will post the entire project when you get this ring installed on a vessel..........good looking stuff!

Jim Burr
05-01-2012, 5:01 PM
This one is stupid crazy Bill!!! Grain change at every piece, tons of detail. Hate to see the other guys!!

Mike Golka
05-01-2012, 5:14 PM
Bill if you had been able to finish the main ring you've been working on you would have won hands down. This is a testament to your skill, great job and congrats.

Robert McGowen
05-01-2012, 5:23 PM
Congratulations on your win, Bill!

Jeremy Leasure
05-01-2012, 5:25 PM
Amazing work, hope to get into segmented turning one day if I ever master hollowing.

John Keeton
05-01-2012, 5:38 PM
An entire woodworking project, all in one ring! Amazing!! There are more cuts and joints in that ring than in all the furniture I ever built - collectively!

Bill Hensley
05-01-2012, 6:44 PM
Bill it's apparent you are becoming the "go to" guy for all things segmenting. Congrats, super job on that one!

Rob Price
05-01-2012, 7:21 PM
Tie nothin'- that's an incredible piece of craftsmanship. You have my vote.

Bill Wyko
05-01-2012, 7:29 PM
You guys are way too kind, thanks very much. This one was really just practice for another one with a little more complexity. I haven't really decided what to do with it just yet. More good news, I finally finished the humidor I've been on so I can finally get to work on my new lathe. Pics of the humi are in woodworking projects.

David DeCristoforo
05-01-2012, 8:09 PM
I looked at that site and after my eyes got uncrossed again, I vowed that in my next lifetime I would have the patience and skill to attempt work like that. Oh, yeah... and also the vision needed to conceive of it in the first place.

Now, Bill, you are forever offering praise to others and seeming ever so humble about the work that you do. I have a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that you don't realize how extraordinary your pieces are. I have said before that segmented work is not really my cup of tea. But that does not mean that I am incapable of recognizing artistry when I see it and your work is up there with the best. It might be the best. It would be hard to make that call because there are other segmenters who do some amazing work. But it's safe to say that you would make it into the top ten with ease.

Faust M. Ruggiero
05-01-2012, 8:24 PM
You never cease to amaze me. Forget the skill it took to make that ring, I'm just thinking about the mind that conceived it. Everything you do is a prize winner in my opinion.

Alan Trout
05-01-2012, 8:29 PM

Congratulations. That is a really nice ring. One of the members of my club got second.


Scott Hackler
05-01-2012, 8:46 PM
Very cool, congrats Bill!

Scott Hackler
05-01-2012, 8:47 PM
Big time Congrats Bill!

Mike Cruz
05-01-2012, 9:26 PM
I would say "One ring to rule them all!", but it seems there are two...;) Your attention to detail and the amount of detail are mind boggling. Fantastic and congrats!

Scott Conners
05-01-2012, 9:39 PM
Well done! Just for curiosity's sake (from a non-segmenter), is the vertical maple bar between each figure eight an aesthetic choice, or a construction need?
Also, can you give us instructions for finding the contest on segmentedwoodturners? I don't see it on the front page and non-members can't access most of the forums...do we need to be a member?

Rick Markham
05-01-2012, 10:51 PM
A well deserved win Bill! That is absolutely amazing!

Ted Evans
05-01-2012, 11:04 PM
Amazing work Bill, very impressive!

Russell Eaton
05-02-2012, 6:24 AM
Congratulations Bill! I think that you have a LOT more patience than ANYBODY I know. I look forward to seeing the complete piece.

Michelle Rich
05-02-2012, 7:13 AM
good going Bill!

Bill Wyko
05-02-2012, 12:24 PM
Thanks so much everyone. I'm surrounded by great turners here so your compliments are very special to me. I have to say I wasn't always this patient. Segmenting really taught me to be patient. It's really quite relaxing to sit & glue little pieces together and see the patterns come to life. As far as the web page goes, I think you might have to be a member to see everything. Now that I've finished the most recent humidor, I can get on the lathe again. I haven't turned on my new PM4224 other than roughing out one vessel. It's time to make it work for its space. 8-)
I've been crazy busy at work too. Business is picking up a bit so I have to take it while it's there. I don't trust it to last until I see 6 months of steady biz.

Eric Holmquist
05-02-2012, 2:07 PM
Amazing work, more glue joints in one ring then I have produced glue joints in my life and each better than any I have ever produced. Oh and by the way it also looks beautiful too!

Bill Wyko
05-02-2012, 3:48 PM
The vertical bar serves a few purposes, it makes the ring the correct diameter for its use, it breaks up the lines from one segment to the other and it's a place that allows for micro corrections as they go around. When working with such small pieces, there has to be tiny corrections done as you go to keep it looking correct and aligned. You have to determine where they can be done in a way that is as invisible as possible.

BTW I counted the pieces and there are around 750.

Well done! Just for curiosity's sake (from a non-segmented), is the vertical maple bar between each figure eight an aesthetic choice, or a construction need?
Also, can you give us instructions for finding the contest on segmented woodturners? I don't see it on the front page and non-members can't access most of the forums...do we need to be a member?

David DeCristoforo
05-02-2012, 3:59 PM
"...I counted the pieces and there are around 750..."

See, that's what I'm talking about. I don't even have the patience to count the pieces much less assemble them. And when I think about how many more pieces are going to be needed to make up the entire turning... well, that's just beyond my comprehension!

Mike Cruz
05-02-2012, 4:57 PM
752 by my count, Bill... Each section is comprised of 13 sets of 7 (91); 8 sections (728); each sandwich layer is another 8 x 2 (744); and 8 dividers (752). I could be wrong with something in there...

Bill Wyko
05-03-2012, 12:40 PM
I believe you are right. Soon I'll make it into an actual vessel of some sort. Just been crazy busy these days.

Bill Wyko
05-30-2012, 4:01 PM
Well, I've made a little progress, the outside is almost to final shape. Just a little work on the form between the feature rings. Then the task of doing the inside. I pray I don't blow this thing to pieces, I plan on turning it to 1/8" thick. At this point it has 1920 individual pieces. Please enjoy & wish me luck.

Chris Studley
05-30-2012, 4:07 PM
Bad Ass!!

Good luck...

Mike Cruz
05-30-2012, 4:24 PM
That's just sick! Break a leg...

David DeCristoforo
05-30-2012, 5:40 PM
Oh what... less than two thousand pieces and you are worried about it?

So far, this is looking to be an exceptional segmented piece. I just wish you would reveal where you get your patience...

Bill Wyko
05-30-2012, 5:45 PM
Thanks very much. I'll post more pics when it's done or blown up on the floor. LMAO

Russell Eaton
05-30-2012, 6:00 PM
Bill that rocks. Im with DD on the counting. Be careful finishing that.

Bill Wyko
05-30-2012, 7:13 PM
I'm using a 3 stage finish. The first coat is an oil, the second is a paste that smooths out the surface even more & the 3rd is a carnuba wax. If I don't blow it up I'll be good to go.

Faust M. Ruggiero
05-30-2012, 7:55 PM
You win first place in my book. That is an elegant vase.

Ryan Baker
05-30-2012, 8:41 PM
Awesome. I love the feature rings. 1/8" sounds a bit thin to me for something that size. Good luck with it.

Richard Madden
05-30-2012, 9:38 PM
Congrats on the win. You deserve it. Segmenting is something I have always appreciated, and wanted to try, but the closest thing so far for me has been some staved vessels. You are really good, Bill...and skilled...and patient. I tip my hat to you sir.

Jon Nuckles
05-31-2012, 12:28 AM
You have amazing patience to make and glue all those pieces, and amazing nerves to hollow it thin with all that time invested. Best of luck!

John Keeton
05-31-2012, 6:22 AM
Bill, she is coming along beautifully! The superb finish work you do will make this come alive.

Roland Martin
06-01-2012, 7:44 AM
Congrtats Bill, amazing vision and craftsmanship. Talk about raising the bar:eek:!!

Bill Wyko
06-01-2012, 12:08 PM
You guys are too kind, thanks very much. Last night I put in 5 hours and it's almost done. I have a little work left inside it & I can start the finish process. What a fun project, can't wait to see some oil on the curly Maple. She's gonna pop for sure. My friends want me to go have cigars tonight, they may have to go w/o me.:D

Harvey Ghesser
06-01-2012, 12:18 PM
Congratulations, Bill! Your artwork is amazing!

Ed Morgano
06-01-2012, 5:31 PM
Amazing, Awesome, Spectacular, Inspiring, Uhhhh.....I’m out of words - language was never my strong suit. Oh, and I like the form too! Be careful hollowing it.

Bill Wyko
06-01-2012, 5:36 PM
I chickened out and only turned it to 3/16". It started making a high frequency hum that I just couldn't listen to any more. I got the first coat of oil on it and BOY OH BOY does this grain pop.

Pete Jordan
06-01-2012, 8:16 PM
Amazing job Bill!!!

Baxter Smith
06-01-2012, 11:39 PM
Beautiful work Bill. Chickened out at 3/16"? Not hardly! Discretion is the better part of valor.:)

Bill Wyko
06-03-2012, 8:57 PM
Well, I just finished it. Problem is, I left the camera at work. Pics tomorrow should be in order.:D