View Full Version : QSWO baseboard finish??

Bruno Frontera dela Cruz
04-30-2012, 4:21 PM
I am having quartersawn white oak baseboards installed in a conference room at work and I need to instruct the carpenters on how to finish it. I know how to get that fumed look on furniture but I don't need such a dramatic effect in this application and I don't want to have 2/3rd of the cost in the finishing labor.

Are there any tricks / recipes out there that I can have the carpenter use that will both quick to apply, darken the wood a bit, show the rays and be durable for the baseboard application?


Scott Holmes
04-30-2012, 4:42 PM
Yeah there is a much easier way than fuming! Fuming was an old school way of darkening (some) woods before all the wonderful stains and dyes have today were available. Fuming is not as color fast and much less predictable.

Use a stain or dye then varnish.

sheldon pettit
04-30-2012, 4:44 PM
Hi Bruno,

Fumed oak runs the gamut as to coloration whether actually fumed or imitated. You say "darken the wood a bit" show the rays and be durable for the baseboard. Unfortunately, I at least don't work in bits of color, lol. If by chance you hopefully can post a pic or two of what would be acceptable to you as a final color, then i believe better and more sound advice can be given, do you agree?

Get back please we would all love to help.
