View Full Version : Elektra Beckum planner bed

Rian de Bruyn
04-28-2012, 2:30 PM
Please help
I have a Electra Beckum HC 260K Proline and my problem is the bed move up and down but it will not move up passed 15mm so can't plane stock thinner as 15mm 1/2''
I have lubb the all the moving parts and there is nothing obstructing the bed but can't seem to find the problem
If ther are grammar mistakes SORRY this is not my first language



Jim Matthews
04-28-2012, 7:54 PM
This is a perfectly clear question, but the answer is not simple.

If this (http://www.powertooldirect.co.uk/elektra_beckum_metabo_hc260c_22kw_planer_thickness e-p-78312.html) pictures your planer, you may have a minimum clearance limitation.
The manufacturer places a stop at the minimum height to ensure that you can't run the blades into the planer bed.

Use of an auxiliary planer "sled" (http://www.finewoodworking.com/SkillsAndTechniques/SkillsAndTechniquesArticle.aspx?id=5245) raises thinner stock beyond this limitation.

Caution is in order, very thin stock can fracture with this method and the ejected material will exit at high speeds.
Wear a heavy shop apron, stand to the side, wear eye protection and take VERY LIGHT PASSES removing little material.

Jou Engels is baie beter as ons Afrikaans!

Beste groete,

Rian de Bruyn
04-29-2012, 2:44 AM
Dankie Jim
The min clearens is 4mm(1/8)

Jim Matthews
04-29-2012, 7:43 AM
I wonder if there is a "shipping stop" installed.

Alert! Skakel die masjien en koppel van stroomadapter voor die bereiking van binne!
Turn off the machine and unplug electric power before reaching inside! Alert!

If Electra states 4mm minimum, something 10mm is likely at the top of the adjustment screws.
Can you drop the planing table to the lowest position? When it is fully retracted, shine a torch up at the top - there may be a piece of plastic installed to prevent rattling while it traveled to meet you.

Also, is the planing table level, in comparison to the machine body? If one of the corners is higher than the others, this could account for the missing 11mm.

My best guess is something at the top of the planer. Are all of the kickback "fingers" fully raised? If one of them is stuck in the down position, it could account for lost height.

If yours looks like the Metabo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE_nt9TU8uU) variant, it may be easiest to contact them directly.
www.metabo.co.za (http://www.metabo.co.za)

Rian de Bruyn
04-29-2012, 8:59 AM