View Full Version : Maple gloat

tom gepfrich
04-27-2012, 1:13 PM
I competed the harvest of the storm damaged tree and am very happy with all of the Maple sitting in my driveway. There are a few spalted pieces and most of
the cuts are revealing curl! I have more than I can posibly use for a long while so if any Creekers are interested, let me know. I am in Jacksonville FL BTW. I cut
4 bowl rounds today and only used 2 pieces.


Eric Gourieux
04-27-2012, 1:57 PM
Nice haul, Tom. Seal the ends of the logs. It'll keep.

John Keeton
04-27-2012, 2:02 PM
Tom, great haul and a generous offer to other creekers. However, I would encourage you to hold on to much of it, as curly maple is hard to come by and while it may look like a lot of wood today, it will not last that long. Sure doesn't cost anything to just store it.

Rick Joyner
04-27-2012, 7:30 PM
Tom, I would like to have a piece of that Maple if you have it to spare. I am in Jacksonville, FL (Beach). I'll send you a PM.