View Full Version : Delta Hybrid Motor Runs Slow and Hot

Larry Gonzalez
04-27-2012, 12:18 AM
I've been using a Delta Hybrid table saw (1 3/4 HP motor, 220v) for just over 2 years, building cabinets for the garage and workshop and some small furniture pieces. Never had any problems until today. In the middle of cutting a small piece of 3/4" plywood with a brand new blade there was an obvious reduction in motor speed. I turned off the motor and started up again, but it was still running slow. Half way through the next cut the overload circuit shut off the saw. The motor was very hot and there was an odor in the air. The blade turns freely, but even with no load the motor runs slower than normal. Is this due to something that can be fixed? What should I look for?

Thanks for any help.

scott spencer
04-27-2012, 4:23 AM
Could be a bad run capacitor. Remove the cans on the side of the motor and check the caps for obvious signs of damage. They're generally pretty easy and inexpensive to fix if that's the problem.

Rod Sheridan
04-27-2012, 12:10 PM
It sounds most like a shorted turn in the motor.

Regards, Rod.

Larry Komroff
04-27-2012, 12:32 PM
Could also be a shorted centrifugal switch. If the switch is shorted, the start winding is energized. That would overheat fairly quickly.


Larry Gonzalez
04-27-2012, 9:31 PM
Thanks for the comments. I brought the motor to a repair shop and the capacitors check out good. I'm waiting to hear what else might be wrong.

Mike Henderson
04-27-2012, 10:56 PM
It sounds most like a shorted turn in the motor.

Regards, Rod.

+1 sounds like that to me also. If so, you'll have to get a new motor. Rewinding is about the same as a new motor.


Larry Gonzalez
04-29-2012, 12:09 AM
Well, when the repair shop tested the motor, it ran slow also. They checked the capacitors and windings and these were all OK. After they cleaned the centrifugal switch and put everything back together the motor is running fine. I put it back into the table saw and it works. I'm thrilled that I won't have to buy a new motor, and I may even get some work done this weekend.


Ellen Benkin
04-29-2012, 12:31 PM
Two great things happened to you. One, the motor didn't work when the repair place tried it so you didn't feel like a doofus for bringing it in to them and two, you found an honest place that didn't try to sell you more than you needed. Great luck on both counts!

scott spencer
04-29-2012, 4:55 PM
Super.....always nice to hear a happy ending. Thanks for the update.