View Full Version : Question about Dying and Stabilizing

Matt Dunn
04-25-2012, 9:07 AM
I was wondering if you guys could point me in the right direction as far as using dye and stabilizing wood at the same time. If anybody has ever seen it. There is a company called Sta Burl that sells a lot of Maple Burl and Box Elder Burl that has been dyed and stabilized that look absolutely amazing. I was wondering where to get a vacuum and what dye / chemical to use as far as stabilizing goes in the vacuum. Also how do you go about making the dye's swirl like they have them on sta burl's ebay site? If anybody could help out please let me know. Price is no object here. I make Duck Calls and I was wanting to start using a lot of these dyed woods to make the calls with. I have made a few before and people go crazy for them. Thanks!

Richard Coers
04-25-2012, 1:34 PM
Look up Cactus Juice Stabilizing Resin. Uses a vacuum pump, chamber, and toaster oven to set the resin after the vacuum operation. If you are near Central Illinois, the guy selling it and the system will be demonstrating at the Midwest Penturners Gathering this Satuday in Bloomington, IL.