View Full Version : The DIY Channel - gripe

John Piwaron
03-29-2005, 6:29 PM
I sure do love to watch Wood Works (David Marks) and now Woodturning Techniques. Lots of interesting projects on each.

What I don't love are the lack of enough dimensions to make an exact copy of the project du jour.

I know, some of Dave's projects have a corresponding plan for sale on his website. But not all, and usually the ones that have piqued my interest are the ones sans plans. Of interest is the floor lamp he made of a curved stack of Koa strips laminated into an S curve. Not ever so much as a hint at some overalls.

Woodturning Techniques does that too. Only NO plans are available anywhere.

Drawing it up could be o.k. if they'd at least give some overalls like height, diameter, splay of the feet and so on. Whatever's pertinent.

Are they afraid of plaigerism?

Teresa Jones
03-29-2005, 6:45 PM

I believe the project you are referring to is number 512.

This link will take you to the cut list on David's Website.

If you go to his home page, then select the "TV" link at the top then scroll down you will find the links to all his project cut list.

John Piwaron
03-29-2005, 7:02 PM
I've seen that. Sometime's that's a good clue, but this isn't one of them. This gives me the arc lengths, combined. Still, it's better than nothing.

Now about that wonderful alabaster lamp shade.........

Jerry Clark
03-29-2005, 7:40 PM
A lot of the project information is available at http://www.diynet.com/ Have you checked there?:confused:

John Hulett
03-29-2005, 7:49 PM
I for one am ready for some new episodes. Though, from what I've heard here, that won't be happening :(

Keith Christopher
03-29-2005, 8:09 PM
Built from the information on the show.


David tells you all the info you need to build it. David does a good job in saying, make it pleasing curve to you or it's your design or work. He spawns creativity and personal taste in his designs.


John Piwaron
03-29-2005, 11:10 PM
Yes, I've been to the DIY site. Yes, I always find the page that have the written explanation for the particular episode. Just like the show, no specific diameters, heights and so on.

Perhaps my expectations are unreasonable. I was hoping that these episodes would be more akin to a magazine article. Most, if not all of those give enough info to duplicate the object of the print article.

Some of this comes down to this - I sit in front of my PC at work for 8 or 9 hours a day, every day, making drawings. Being creative. Though in the world of metal and plastic. So while it's easy for me to do so for any particular wood project, please understand that I really don't want more of what for me is work when I'm building something in my hobby. That aside, I DO draw anyway, it's just the least enjoyable part of the process. Plus, since I'm (and I know I can't the the only one) attracted to the particular form presented in the show, one would think that enough basic size information would be given to allow a duplicate to be made by the viewer of the show.

Remember, this is just a gripe. I just wish they'd slip a little more information into the show. That's all. I prefer to concentrate on technique rather than design at that point.

John Motzi
03-30-2005, 5:54 AM
John Hutlett,

New weekly episodes (700 series) start on Monday Apr 4 at 8:00 AM; Also Thurs at 8:30 or 11:30 PM, Saturdays at 9:00 PM, Sundays at 12:00 AM