View Full Version : Exploding Firewood, Bad Karma

Doug Herzberg
04-22-2012, 9:53 PM
I recall Michelle Rich had a post titled "gosh darn dagnabbit." When something like this happens to her, it's a real tragedy. In my case, it's just a couple practice bowls.

I was landscaping a rental house this week and came across some firewood I cut a few years ago, including a large branch from a silver maple and a beetle killed Ponderosa. Since it hadn't been used, I brought it home. We're having guests for dinner tomorrow, so I thought a day in the shop would get me out of helping with the housework and preparations. I guess I deserve all of this.

I got to thinking the maple might have spalted in the firewood pile. It was badly checked, but the center of each log was pretty solid. It turned really nicely, polished up smooth as glass and had a nice glow, even without any finish. I was just about done hollowing when it went out of round and then it blew apart. It was very dry, so it must have had a lot of internal stresses.

I finished the pine bowl - my first try at an ogee in awhile - except for turning off the tenon, and had a couple coats of shellac on it. Mrs. Herzberg thought the many worm holes should be filled with turquoise. I don't have any of that and wasn't about to use that much on a piece of firewood even if I did. I did have some colored sand, which I mixed with CA glue. I don't have any carbide tools and the bowl scraper wasn't cutting it (haha), so I made my own out of an old saw blade. Worked great right up until the catch. I had it pretty thin at the rim - about 3/32, but I can see now I may need to invest in some calipers.


At least I got a little practice time in.

Roger Chandler
04-22-2012, 11:00 PM
That is a bummer, Doug.........having two explode on you in the same day............:eek:

Michelle Rich
04-23-2012, 8:03 AM
Bad kARMA, dUDE! gLAD YOU WEREN'T HURT. yep, avoiding helping around the house, can cause you great trouble!!

Scott J Taylor
04-23-2012, 9:04 AM
I've had many a day like that and have got really bummed about it. Best thing is walk away, lock the shop and do something else. Glad you didn't get hurt :)

Doug Herzberg
04-23-2012, 9:25 AM
Thanks for commiserating. I have to go do dishes and mop the floor.

Jon Nuckles
04-23-2012, 9:30 AM
Skipping out on helping with housework can lead to all kinds of internal stresses! Glad the only casualty was some firewood.