View Full Version : Maple NE Bowl

Lee Koepke
04-22-2012, 8:53 PM
Its been awhile for me too! the LOML opened up a new store a few months ago, so ever since Feb I have been building their sales counter (out of some fabulous barnwood oak ... oh my its purty!) and other 'flatwork' stuff to sell in her store. For some reason, my bowls don't sell around here, so I gotta make some things people will buy :(. So today was MY day. My day to dust off the lathe that hasnt been plugged in in almost 4 months.....and here it is..... a NE piece of some maple I have been staring at for awhile. Its about 7" dia x 3.5" at the taller section. This is the largest NE bowl I have done.

Thanks for looking, any critiques are quite welcome!


and a peek of a kitchen island I made to sell in my wife's store ...


Roger Chandler
04-22-2012, 9:02 PM
Nice kitchen island, Lee...........the bowl is nice also! Glad you got to do some spinny work today!

Bernie Weishapl
04-22-2012, 9:30 PM
Great looking bowl and island.

Mike Golka
04-22-2012, 10:56 PM
Nice job keeping that gnarly rim in tact.

John Keeton
04-23-2012, 7:11 AM
Lee, hate that you haven't been able to turn, but glad things are going well for the new store!! Nice looking bowl - great wood, too! Good work on the island and it is easy to see why they sell well for you.

Michelle Rich
04-23-2012, 7:57 AM
you have been busy Lee..good luck

Lee Koepke
04-23-2012, 8:14 AM
as soon as I say 'nobody buys my bowls' ... I had a friend request this one already.... thanks everyone! I have a stockpile of wood and some special orders I have to do on the lathe .. yippee