View Full Version : Sphere in a Sphere, Version 2

Ed Morgano
04-20-2012, 8:11 PM
This is my second one. I didn't like is as well as the first one, but my son liked it better so I finished it.


This is the 1st one
C&C Welcome and needed and appreciated.

Eric Holmquist
04-20-2012, 8:30 PM
I like the shape of the opening better, but in retrospect, my earlier advice to try an odd number of openings creates a distracting element with the rib partially obscuring the opening. I like it, but cant make up my mind if I like the first design better.

Dennis Ford
04-21-2012, 7:35 AM
I really like where you are going here, both are nice pieces but the offset base and finial add a lot to the three sided piece. The finial could be more slender for my taste. Your photos are better than mine so this may be a goofy idea but I would like to see the three sided piece with the background upside down.

John Keeton
04-21-2012, 7:54 AM
Ed, what are the dimensions of the cantilevered piece? I want to comment, but would like to have that information first. Thanks.

Ed Morgano
04-21-2012, 11:11 AM
OK John, I'll give you all the dimensions. The sphere is 3 1/2" diameter hollowed to about 1/4" The total form stands 8" tall. The base is made just like a NE bowl and then to flats turned at the bottom so it would sit still. The cantilevered piece is 3/4" wide x 2 1/4" long x 1/4" thick. Hope this helps.

John Keeton
04-21-2012, 12:20 PM
Thanks, Ed, that does help. Here goes - I think the overall concept is really neat! What I think might help, at least for me, is to redistribute the mass. The sphere and the cantilever appear to be too heavy for the base. If the cantilever were just a bit thinner (width seems OK), and the sphere walls closer to 1/8", I think it would make a huge difference. Then, IMO, the top of the finial is too heavy. I think it would help if the mass of the finial diminished as it rises.

Again, these are just my thoughts. Depending on the dimensions, some of these comments may not have been possible to implement, but it sounds like the scale you are using will permit some changes if you are interested.

Ed Morgano
04-21-2012, 3:20 PM
Thanks John. That helps. I'll try to make some improvements on the next one.

Jim Burr
04-21-2012, 4:43 PM
Wow!!! A lot going on with this one Ed. Let me clairify that...a lot of different disciplines’ involved here...you can adapt these for Christmas!