View Full Version : Anniversary Gift

Scott Gibbons
04-20-2012, 7:11 PM
Today the LOML and I celebrated our 11th Anniversary. I presented her with the following turning. I am still pretty new at this and it is the second project of my delta 46-460. Overall I am pretty happy with the results. Comments and critiques appreciated. I think it is a box elder burl but I could be wrong, it is about 5.5" in diameter.



Scott Hackler
04-20-2012, 11:06 PM
Nothing wrong with that! I am sure she loved it.

Bernie Weishapl
04-20-2012, 11:29 PM
Nice looking piece. She I am sure is going to love it.

Mike Cruz
04-20-2012, 11:33 PM
Very nice, Scott. I'm sure she loved it. I didn't realize that the 11th anniversary was "wood" though... But shouldn't they all? :rolleyes:

John Keeton
04-21-2012, 6:46 AM
Scott, that is a very nice piece - good form, well placed band and nice work on the finish. Doesn't appear to be box elder burl to me, but it is hard to tell with just pics.

Congrats on the anniversary!!

Scott Gibbons
04-21-2012, 7:46 AM
Thanks all !

Scott Gibbons
04-21-2012, 8:06 AM
Thanks John, I had a label on it when I received the blank and now I cannot locate it. I need to find a better labeling system LOL