View Full Version : Avatar Explanation

Per Swenson
03-29-2005, 10:05 AM
I really did not think anybody noticed or
cared, or for that matter even looked at
the little picture which accompanys my name.
Anyway ,I have been asked about it in PM's and
it has been suggested that I post my answer to
the board. So here goes.........
Its all about my father, Robert Swenson who during
his long career as a commercial photographer and
cinematographer would need cheap model talent.
If you are of a certain age you have seen his work in
print and television. Salem ciggarettes, you can take salem out
of the country but....that whole campaign with the 65 mustang
and the pretty girl on the lawn. Ronzoni, kellogs cornflakes, I was
the cornflake boy circa 1963. Colgate toothpaste, Remember on
TV, the Dristan comercial where the sink drain appears in the
congested ladys head? That was all Bob, way before
computer graphics. Christian Brothers Wine...Its a really long list.
Back to the avatar, remember "You don't have to be Jewish
to eat Levys" Its a rye bread slogan for you younguns.
And a effective advertising campaign.
So, that is a picture of your redneck circa 1965.
You just might have seen it before.
Here is a larger shot followed by one more recent.
Really Thank you so much for asking.
I do not think that there is a nicer group of people
gathered anywhere else on the internet.

Steve Clardy
03-29-2005, 10:26 AM
Thanks for sharing. Quite a history.

Mark Singer
03-29-2005, 10:27 AM

Thanks for the explination....a lot of talent in your family!

BTW is that a Salem?;)

Aaron Koehl
03-29-2005, 10:36 AM
Very Interesting!

Charlie Plesums
03-29-2005, 11:24 AM
Nice family story (I won't repeat what I was thinking about the person posting before you told the story, but it wasn't nice).

I wish there were a rule that the Avitar needed to be a recent picture of the correspondent, not a picture of the dog, kids, or other "joke". Part of the joy of SawMill Creek is dealing with real people with real names and real locations. The avitar generally adds to that "personal" contact....in most cases. In this case it detracted (although with the explanation, I will now enjoy it).

Jim Becker
03-29-2005, 11:32 AM
Excellent story, Per! Very much appreciated. My dad was in a print ad many years ago for some product...perhaps your dad was the photographer. Who knows? It was a long time ago and I don't have a copy of whatever it was.

And the look on your face in that pic is pricless...the first one, of course...hee hee

BTW, you are the second person I've "met" with the first name of Per. Many years ago, we had an exchange student from Sweden in our home with that name. He and his family still stay in touch with my parents and they have quite a major ice cream manufacturing business in their home country.

Jim Dunn
03-29-2005, 3:43 PM
Me thinks I likes the first pic better:) Thought you were going to say it was of a Little Rascals.'
Now I gotta ask the following question, but first an explanation. Sometime during or after WWII a photographer shot a picture of Winston Churchhill where in he had a look on his face that could kill. Seems the photographer jerked his cigar out of his mouth so as to get "the shot". Now for my question, what did your dad do to you to get that look? Kill the Easter bunny, ground Santa or you? Or tell you the facts of life at a tender age? Just gotta know.

Jim Dunn
03-29-2005, 3:48 PM
<!-- / message --><!-- controls --> I wish there were a rule that the Avitar needed to be a recent picture of the correspondent, not a picture of the dog, kids, or other "joke". Part of the joy of SawMill Creek is dealing with real people with real names and real locations. The avitar generally adds to that "personal" contact....in most cases. In this case it detracted (although with the explanation, I will now enjoy it).

Frankly some of us are just to old and ugly to be seen on regular basis:D
images/buttons/quote.gif (newreply.php?do=newreply&p=162462)

Ray Bersch
03-29-2005, 8:30 PM
Now, if we can just get Jim Becker to explain his picture.........I know he knows how to include the whole face - he made mine up two weeks ago (thanks again)

Mark Singer
03-29-2005, 9:26 PM

Jim doesn't need his mouth to talk he has been using his keyboard since he started on SMC:p

Now, if we can just get Jim Becker to explain his picture.........I know he knows how to include the whole face - he made mine up two weeks ago (thanks again)

David Fried
03-29-2005, 9:26 PM
Now, if we can just get Jim Becker to explain his picture.........I know he knows how to include the whole face - he made mine up two weeks ago (thanks again)

I think that picture was so he could sneak in growing a beard!

Per, I was curious about the avatar but was afraid to ask! I certainly wasn't sure it was really you until your thread about the bar. I squinted at that picture and thought I detected a resemblance. Now we know.

Squinting at your more recent picture I wonder ... didn't I see you in Easy Rider? :D

Jim Becker
03-29-2005, 10:14 PM
Jim doesn't need his mouth to talk he has been using his keyboard since he started on SMC

LOL!! Got me there, but I talk for a living, so the hidden mouth really does function!

I think that picture was so he could sneak in growing a beard!

Almost a year now, David. It balances my extended forehead and pony tail so I'm not walking around with my chin up in the air from the weight in back... ;)

Now, if we can just get Jim Becker to explain his picture.........I know he knows how to include the whole face - he made mine up two weeks ago

'Just a little artistic license so I can use it at some adoption forums where a being a little more anonymous is warranted. And I didn't make your face up...it grew that way!

Corey Hallagan
03-29-2005, 11:05 PM
Cool story Per and I remember many of those ads.... all of us baby boomers from the 50's and 60's do! Intersting story. I wonder about that photo whenever I see you post. Now we know.... the rest of the story!


P.S. ... can we call you Cornflake now?

larry merlau
03-30-2005, 8:15 AM
and it was an intersting story, so many oif us look at ads and forget till somethng or someone brings it up and then it magically appears in our minds again. as for the avatar that jim has, its a ok. and i agree that he can talk with his fingers very well but i fo one will say that he isnt a stuffed shirt, adn the pony tail will never out weigh his chin so much that his nose will rize to the sky.. i have met him in person, and he made the first move in introduction. i had thoughts that he may be one of those other kind of people, but he is NOT. so if any of you have the chance to visit and learn do so.. this was NOT a paid advertizement for J.B, and others do approve :D