View Full Version : Some work got done, more to do

steven c newman
04-19-2012, 10:32 PM
Went ahead and made that #33 from harbor freight into a scrub plane. Ground a 3" radius onto the iron. Mouth is wide enough as is. This will be a plane to scrub all that barn wood down with, BEFORE I trust it with my new #5 jack plane Seemed everytime i'd try to bid on a Stanley #40, some sniper would get there first. Since i already had the #33 on hand, why not?

I have 11 handsaws sitting here, waiting to be sorted out. Still have 6 out in the shop. The ones in the shop will stay put, the rest? Might be for sale.....

I'll know more when I sort them out. Bunch of disstons, a Bishop, and an Atkins. Even a re-handled irwin Toolbox saw, the one BEFORE those black impulse-harded teeth saws. Used that today, just to cut some old, dead cherry tree limbs down.

steven c newman
04-20-2012, 1:00 PM
230137230138230139scrub plane pictures. Not a perfectly ground camber, but it works. As for those saws i have to sort through230140 after this picture, i went out and bought another two saws...

steven c newman
04-20-2012, 11:07 PM
Instead of sorting through those saws, went out and bought a couple more to work on. BTW, ever here of a company called Wilson Saw & Manufacturing Co.? Out of michigan? I seemed to have picked up a BIG rip saw made by them. 6 ppi, but them teeth are whoppers! BIG pointy teeth! Blade looks like it was cut down at BOTH ends. Toe has a small step, like there USED to be a nib there. handle had been re-drilled at one point, as well. Blade length is still at 26" long, even after it was trimmed. Spent a whopping ( for me) $3 on this saw. Blade is very well pitted, but can almost make out a bit of etch. 230173230174230175 i'd show the whole saw, but it's a might too long for here. Sawnuts were also brass. No stamp telling the ppi. Might have to make another handle for this one.....

Paul Saffold
04-21-2012, 9:25 AM
Steven, I converted a Stanley 41/4 to a scrub plane. I found it helps quite a bit to shape the front of the mouth to match the shape of the blade. That opens the mouth to pass larger shavings thru.

steven c newman
04-21-2012, 1:20 PM
The mouth on this #33 is very wide right now. We'll see after a few trips through some old barn wood.