View Full Version : Things you want when you can swing it..........

Roger Chandler
04-19-2012, 1:21 PM
I have been thinking about some things that I feel are important for my general woodworking and turning endeavors that I want for myself............... it is when I get a bigger shop.

- heated, ventilated and insulated shop for year round working
- a cyclone dust collection system
- a kiln for drying wood blanks for turning [might do the conversion of an old refrigerator or make a better one out of wood......[have to study on that one when the time comes]
- some type of rack system where I can store roughouts
- general wood storage area

- and of course..........a Robust American Beauty! :eek::D

[B]What is on your list for turning/woodworking when you can swing it?

steven carter
04-19-2012, 1:48 PM
Roger, You just about summed it up for me. Could you just go ahead and get 2 of each and save me the problem?:cool:


David DeCristoforo
04-19-2012, 1:52 PM
Somewhat more modest requirements. A set of threading tools. A second Nova chuck. Oh...and a truckload of burls.

Rick Markham
04-19-2012, 1:58 PM
I'd be happy with just one giant BLM burl... I'll process it myself :D

Jon McElwain
04-19-2012, 2:22 PM

On the kiln... I read a book a few years ago called The Seasoning and Conversion of Wood by William H. Brown. It was a really valuable source of information for me as I was processing several hundred board feet of freshly cut timber. The book describes the construction details of a simple solar kiln, and it goes in depth on topics such as wood eating bugs, drying defects, fungus, storage, wood shrinkage, and of course a long section on the conversion of timber into lumber. The last section is less applicable to the woodturner, but the remainder of the subjects were a real asset to my woodturning knowledge and skills.

What is on my list?? An 18"+ Italian bandsaw for bowl blanks (my 14" Laguna works well, but a bigger one would be nice), a couple more chuck bodies, photo tent, a larger scraper (largest one at present is a 1" round nose), and a couple more V10/V15 bowl gouges.

Good luck on the rest of your wish list!! Except for the Robust - get a Oneway instead! :D


Roger Chandler
04-19-2012, 2:30 PM
Roger, You just about summed it up for me. Could you just go ahead and get 2 of each and save me the problem?:cool:

I was thinking the other way steve! Don't you think you could help a guy out? :rolleyes::D;)

Jim Underwood
04-19-2012, 2:48 PM
A bigger shop.

Saving up for an addition so I can setup my cyclone and air compressor in there, and get the noise out of the main part.

Like you I dream of insulation. I have a 10K BTU AC unit, but it won't do much good with bare stud walls...

Some carving and woodburning stuff wouldn't go amiss either.

But if money was no object, I'd have an industrial CNC router....:D

Jason Ritchie
04-19-2012, 2:52 PM
I have been thinking about some things that I feel are important for my general woodworking and turning endeavors that I want for myself............... it is when I get a bigger shop.

- heated, ventilated and insulated shop for year round working
- a cyclone dust collection system
- a kiln for drying wood blanks for turning [might do the conversion of an old refrigerator or make a better one out of wood......[have to study on that one when the time comes]
- some type of rack system where I can store roughouts
- general wood storage area

- and of course..........a Robust American Beauty! :eek::D

[B]What is on your list for turning/woodworking when you can swing it?
That's blasphemy right there Grizzly man!

Jason Ritchie
04-19-2012, 3:01 PM
I'm only going to list what's within my reach because my dream shop would be different.

1 - A larger shop. Currently working out of a 10x12 shed. I will use a window unit A/C and electric heaters.
2- A new Rikon 14" pro bandsaw. I currently have a Delta 14" that is decent but it lacks the power and throat capacity for larger work.
3- Better dust collection that filters down to 1 micron. I currently have a Harbor Freight dust collector with a Grizzly 5 micron bag.
4- Eventually a nicer table saw for the flatwork that I sometimes do. My wife is always asking for some sort of furniture.. lol
5- I nice carving tool like the NSK.

Thats about it for now. A lot of my dreams have already come true with a nice big lathe on the way and a oneway stronghold chuck that I just got. That and the few additional turning tools I have bought will make a big difference in my work. I really can't ask for much more right now! :)

Bill Wyko
04-19-2012, 3:47 PM
While I absolutely love my Powermatic 4224, I'm working a trade for a VB36 as well. The deal has been going on for a while now but it looks pretty good. Afteral a man can never have too much swing. LMAO!!!

Roger Chandler
04-19-2012, 3:48 PM
That's blasphemy right there Grizzly man!

Now don't get me wrong Jason.........I am happy with my Grizzly 0698..........I would just be happier with the Robust American Beauty! :D

The other stuff on my list is more important than the lathe, but hopefully in time I can get some of those checked off, and who knows!

Richard Jones
04-19-2012, 4:01 PM
Well, I have all the equipment I can possible need or use at present. (I didn't say WANT, I said NEED............)

What I'd like to have is more TIME!!!!!!!

John Aspinall
04-19-2012, 4:03 PM
In the woodturning realm, a bigger capacity bandsaw currently tops my wishes.
But wait, there's also flatwork where a medium-sized jointer has been on the list for a while.
But wait, there's also the metal side of the house, where I'm lusting for a TIG welder.
But wait,...

Brian Kent
04-19-2012, 4:05 PM
Well, I have all the equipment I can possible need or use at present. (I didn't say WANT, I said NEED............)

What I'd like to have is more TIME!!!!!!!

Yep. What I really want is practice, creativity and encouragement.

Roger Chandler
04-19-2012, 4:10 PM
Lest anyone misunderstand me........I am EXTREMELY thankful for every tool, blade, bit, nail, screw, biscuit, clamp, finish and whatever else I have and use in woodworking and turning, but in my case, my current shop is way too small for me to be nearly as safe and productive as I would like, and for my situation, I think these items on my list all have a lot of merit..........perhaps the Robust AB is one of those things that I can grow into in a bit of time! ;)

Scott Hackler
04-19-2012, 4:19 PM
My short term (next couple years) wish list is a new lathe. While I would LOVE a Robust American Beauty, I don't have the extra scratch for one of those. I wouldn't mind one of hte Onyx Powermatic lathes though. I need more weight and more swing and variable speed. My little Nova 1624 is a great lathe...until you load up a giant chunk of unbalanced wood! Then it likes to walk across the room!.

I would also like a few more SN2s, a CBN wheel, 1/8" beading tool and some more Thompson Tools. All of those things are much more obtainable. :)

Jim Underwood
04-19-2012, 4:26 PM
You think your little Nova walks around, try putting an unbalanced 9 in piece of wood on a Jet mini 1014 and see how that goes... I've done that plenty of times. And there's no way to slow that one down to a crawl... You have to holler at your assistant "Just hold it down while I whack at it!" :D

That's why I got it's bigger brother...

As for things we could "grow into"... I'm sure every single one of us could grow into shops several times the size of our current one...

Wally Dickerman
04-19-2012, 4:52 PM
Well, lessee.....I could use a bigger shop which just about evrybody seems to want....A/C in the shop...I'm past due for a new bandsaw...100 lb each of amboyna burl, pink ivory, quilted bubinga and camphor burl....

Actually, I have so much stuff in my shop now that I'll probably never use again, some of it 40 or 50 or more years old...why do I need more?

I'm coming up on my 91st birhtday so what I really need to do is work on a bucket list...

Rick Markham
04-19-2012, 4:53 PM
Yep. What I really want is practice, creativity and encouragement.

You're doing great so far! Keep it up! <-----There's some encouragement :D

Jack Mincey
04-19-2012, 5:24 PM
I would love a Stubby or big Robust, but my lathe has worked on everything to this point. A couple tons of burls from around the world would be great. In the real world I plan on building a finish booth in the upstairs of my shop as my first to do item in my upcoming retirement. A covered area to set up an old time blacksmith shop would be nice as well. I have all the stuff for the blacksmith shop just no where to set it up. Hammering out knives has always been something I wanted to try my hand at.

Bruce Markwardt
04-19-2012, 5:34 PM
I would start with a bigger shop. I'm jammed into a storage area in our house. Barely enough room to turn around. It's way to close to an actual man cave, with cave being the operative word.

My second request would be more time in the shop.

Bernie Weishapl
04-19-2012, 5:59 PM
Roger I am like Wally. I will stand pat with what I have.

Bill Wyko
04-19-2012, 6:07 PM
I remembered one more thing. My shop at home is only 12x24. The shop I own for my business is 50'x45' w/o any poles in the room. Now if I could have the business shop at home too I'd be one happy guy.

Alan Trout
04-19-2012, 6:17 PM
I ordered mine last week. My American Beauty extended Bed. A cyclone dust collector is probably next on the list.


Roland Martin
04-19-2012, 7:05 PM
Wow, where to start:confused:.
1: D-Way beading & teardrop tools
2: Another SN2, at least
3: A 20 yr. old........ scratch that one:)
3: More Tompson tools
4: Outboard turning stand (since a bigger lathe is out of the question)
5: ........................and so on..............

But really, I count my blessings every day!

Ian James Webster
04-19-2012, 7:21 PM
1. More time - the day job just gets in the way.
2. Some lessons for some one with more experience than me (which is almost everyone). Reading books and watching videos only goes so far.
3. A lathe that doesn't wobble.

oh and plus what everyone else said!!!! :D

Steve Kubien
04-19-2012, 7:39 PM
More space would be ideal. Something in the 20'x30' range. A lathe with 24" swing and the mass/power to match. A bandsaw with 10-12" height and god-fearing power. A dust collector.

John Spitters
04-19-2012, 8:23 PM
I have been thinking about some things that I feel are important for my general woodworking and turning endeavors that I want for myself............... it is when I get a bigger shop.

- heated, ventilated and insulated shop for year round working
- a cyclone dust collection system
- a kiln for drying wood blanks for turning [might do the conversion of an old refrigerator or make a better one out of wood......[have to study on that one when the time comes]
- some type of rack system where I can store roughouts
- general wood storage area

- and of course..........a Robust American Beauty! :eek::D

[B]What is on your list for turning/woodworking when you can swing it?


Today I spent the day heading down to Grizzly and this is what I came home with http://www.grizzly.com/products/10-3-HP-220V-Cabinet-Left-Tilting-Table-Saw/G1023RLX

http://cdn0.grizzly.com/pics/jpeg500/g/g1023rlx.jpg Now I just need to find someone to give me a hand to get it out of my truck.


Rich Aldrich
04-19-2012, 8:46 PM
I wish I had more time to turn. I now work in Green Bay and go home on the weekends. I had been turning two to three evenings a week along with the weekend. I have a Monster articulating hollowing system that only has dust from sitting. It hasnt touched wood yet, except the bench where it is sitting.

I have been making a bunch of bowls (28 small bowls) for my oldest daughters wedding. I will post pictures when I get them polished this weekend.

Otherwise, I could really use some good quality tool rests. I am looking a the Robust. I is probably as close to owning anything made by Robust lathe as I will get. Actually, I was thinking a Robust lathe would make a good retirement gift, but that is 12 to 15 years out.

As a list:

1) Time
2) Robust Tool Rests
3) Thompson Tools
4) Pen making tools.
5) A good place/art fair to sell some of my creations.

Bill Bolen
04-19-2012, 9:14 PM
the re opening of the 6 shops that sold my turnings. Sadly I lost all of them due to closings over the last 18 months. Guess that AB will have to wait awhile.

Reed Gray
04-19-2012, 9:25 PM
Well, there was my dream place in the paper when I bought my current house and shop (about 1000 feet of house, and 860 feet of shop). 28 acres, 1700 feet of river frontage, year round streams, bass ponds, 3 houses, multiple out buildings, and a 10,000 sq. ft shop. Of course there was no price listed, and I didn't win the lottery that weekend, or any other for that matter.

I would like a bigger shop to accommodate several lathes and a class area and do much more teaching and have guest teachers as well. I want to design and build my own bandsaw for cutting bowl blanks (really, you can tell a bowl turner never had any input on any bandsaw out there!), and my own drill press. Most of the other tools have been covered. Maybe I could also design and build, or maybe convince Brent to build these tools to my specs. The lathe is covered, but I would do a couple of things differently. I wish I could have planted my own forest of mixed hardwoods 40 or more years ago as well. Sigh!!!!!!

robo hippy

Jamie Donaldson
04-19-2012, 9:52 PM
My own Woodmiser sawmill!!!

Roger Chandler
04-19-2012, 10:02 PM
My own Woodmiser sawmill!!!

Jamie............I have thought about that one as well...........just been a while since I gave it serious consideration..........of course about 100 acres of hardwoods to go with it might not be bad either!

Geez..........I have to watch myself...........the vortex really is strong! :eek::D

Kathy Marshall
04-20-2012, 2:32 AM
A real shop and a bigger lathe, and less time at work and more time in the shop!

neil mackay
04-20-2012, 3:47 AM
What I'd like to have is more TIME

Now that resonates well with me too and 5000lb Red Mallee Burl :D

John Keeton
04-20-2012, 6:27 AM
This is an interesting thread, with so many common desires! My life has been richly blessed, and my wants have always been pretty conservative. I don't have much need for more in the way of shop or tools - I tend to buy odds and ends that are needed as my work progresses. The Jet is more than enough lathe for me, and I find I use very few turning tools - though I do enjoy trying new ones. Seems I tend to sell the others. Accumulating isn't part of my makeup.

Since the health issues, living just one day at a time has become the mantra, and that has cut down considerably on the "want/wish" list. I find that time and inspiration are the things I miss most. Retirement is still over two years away and that will help with the inspiration, as well as time, as I find myself thinking about work related matters more than I should.

So many of you folks show great talent and enthusiasm - my hope is for each of you to achieve your dreams!

And, Wally, you are an unbelievable inspiration to all that aspire to be great turners! What a life to live - I wish you well.

Richard Jones
04-20-2012, 9:16 AM

Today I spent the day heading down to Grizzly and this is what I came home with http://www.grizzly.com/products/10-3-HP-220V-Cabinet-Left-Tilting-Table-Saw/G1023RLX

Now I just need to find someone to give me a hand to get it out of my truck.



Great looking table saw. You can store a lot of bowl blanks on that sucker if you use some shelves on top of it.......................:D

Bill Wyko
04-20-2012, 12:36 PM
I find my self to be some what of a work-a-holic. Because I've been blessed to have a career that I love and blessed to have my woodworking skills, I do try to have the tools necessary to work as effeciently as I can. Time is money. With the woodworking, I do enjoy using quality tools. But I slow down and pay attention to the details. It really teaches me patience. So other tools I'd like to have are better lighting and stacks and stacks of sand paper.

joel nucifore
04-20-2012, 2:27 PM
I am sure my list can go on and on but....

1) Time
2) Time
3) some new tunning tools Glacier dreams right now
4) Time

Rick Markham
04-20-2012, 3:55 PM
Now that resonates well with me too and 5000lb Red Mallee Burl :D

You will definitely need Time on your hands with a 5000lb Mallee burl, that stuff is like stone... and almost as moist! :D