View Full Version : Creeker Generosity Strikes Again!

Baxter Smith
04-19-2012, 11:42 AM
About a month ago, I made the comment that I didn’t get a lot of cherry to turn. (At least as much as I might like….but how many do?:D) I quickly received a pm from Prashun Patel asking if I would like some free of charge. Who am I to refuse any wood let alone cherry! I requested that he please hold off on the shipping since I would be traveling North in the near future and never turn down the opportunity to meet another creeker. Unfortunately that meeting didn’t work out last week.

Yesterday afternoon, the dog starts barking and I see the UPS truck backing up the driveway. Since I hadn’t ordered anything recently, it brought a rather large smile to my face. :) Inside the box was a little something. Several actually!

I had a retirement dinner to attend in a few hours so all I could do was look….. though I was tempted!

By 10:30 this morning, I had relieved that temptation. Although it was pretty dry, I will give it some more time in paper bags before proceeding.
From left to right I am thinking, a few interrupted beads, a scorched rim, and a pyro feature band. At least that is what I would do if I was to finish them today. Even wrote that on the bottoms just in case I forget!

And a little mineral spirits for color:

If you ever get the chance to turn New Jersey cherry, it smells like nothing else I have ever had in my shop!;):rolleyes::D
Thanks again Prashun! Hope to catch up with you on the next trip North!

Tim Rinehart
04-19-2012, 11:52 AM
Very nice...and very generous of you Prashun! Sounds like you have some wonderful plans when time to finish!

Bob Lloyd
04-19-2012, 11:53 AM
These are the kinds of things that draw me here, there is a real sense of community.

kevin nee
04-19-2012, 1:32 PM
Nice score! I would like to see a photo of your rough-out stash.

Jason Ritchie
04-19-2012, 3:11 PM
Prashun, I PM'ed you my address! Just kidding! That was very nice to do and I agree, the folks here are just the best! I'm so glad I moved here! lol

Bernie Weishapl
04-19-2012, 6:02 PM
Great gesture Prashun and Baxter those are some nice looking bowls.

Baxter Smith
04-21-2012, 8:54 PM
Nice score! I would like to see a photo of your rough-out stash.
No you wouldn't!:o Unless you are into stacks of boxes and piles of bags, scattered everywhere, over, under and in between. I do know exactly where Prashun's are......for now!:)