View Full Version : Honey Locust Natural Edge

Jerry Rhoads
04-19-2012, 9:26 AM

Natural Edge Honey Locust 5-5/8" x 14-5/8"
Picture taken before buffing. they seem to take better pictures before buffing. It buffed out very nice.

Jerry Rhoads
04-19-2012, 9:33 AM
My art shows start this weekend.
Piece sold yesterday when my very best customer surprised me with a stop by. Nobody else ever got to see it. (cept Diane my wife
He bought 7 pieces, a very good Wednesday, however Diane says I now need more pieces for this weekend(taking a break don't tell her).

Diane does everything except the woodturning, Makes my things look great at the shows, does taxes my websight Everything! but the turning.

Faust M. Ruggiero
04-19-2012, 11:32 AM
I have yet to find other woods that buff out to such a pleasing finish as Honey Locust. Your customer gave you all the accolades you need. They bought it. Next time charge more:)

Tim Rinehart
04-19-2012, 11:55 AM
That's some pretty NE work! Congrats on the quick sale.

Bob Haverstock
04-19-2012, 9:46 PM

That is a fine piece of work. I can see why it was bought quickly.

Bob Haverstock

Bernie Weishapl
04-19-2012, 10:42 PM
Nice piece Jerry. No wonder it sold fast.

John Keeton
04-20-2012, 5:46 AM
Jerry, congrats on the sales! Excellent work on the bowl. It appears to be an end grain turning except for the bark edge - is that the pith in the bottom? amazing that you don't have any cracks if it is!

Jerry Rhoads
04-20-2012, 11:30 AM
Thanks Everyone. John that is not the main pith. I could not beleive that that branch went that far in. It was cut a little below a crotch. And I was disapointed at first, but it did not crack. The piece was absolutly stunning after buffing. Unfortunatly this is the only picture of it.
It was not the biggest NE that I have done but I think it was the Best (prettiest)