View Full Version : Matte Gold Acrylic

Steve Clarkson
04-19-2012, 7:35 AM
Does anyone know of a supplier that has matte gold acrylic? Everyone seems to have the same 10-12 colors, I can't understand why no one carries a bigger selection of acrylic since it can be made in a rainbow of colors and textures.........maybe I'll start my own company selling acrylic.........

Rodne Gold
04-19-2012, 8:11 AM
Try any Degussa/Acrylite/Plexiglass stockist http://www.acrylite.net/product/acrylite/en/Pages/default.aspx , the site is confusing , but they do a range of what you want in solids , 2 ply and various thicknesses - get a local guy to help you after you find out from the site who resellers are in the US. Here in SA it is called the "sterling" range...
and specifically