View Full Version : Hello and question for you hand tool vets.

Bruce Branson
03-28-2005, 9:30 PM
Hello I have been lurking on this site for a while and joined today.About 9 months ago I decided to start doing more hand work and have been refurbishing old planes and other tools and buying new ones.I have a WS double arm rebate plane with a cast blade and am wondering if anyone could tell me when it was made.

Thanks Bruce

Terry Hatfield
03-28-2005, 9:31 PM

No help with your plane but I did want to say welcome to the Creek!!!! It is a great place to gain knowledge and meet some really super people.


Bruce Branson
03-28-2005, 9:36 PM
Thanks for the welcome. I will post pictures of my insane buying spree as soon as can.I plan on using them all.:)

Terry Hatfield
03-28-2005, 9:39 PM
Thanks for the welcome. I will post pictures of my insane buying spree as soon as can.I plan on using them all.:)


I plan on using all mine too...I might have to live to be 150 years old but I'm gonna use them all one way or the other. :D :D

BTW...this place won't help either. People just keep posting pics of all their goodies and causing me to have to buy them for myself. :D

Welcome again,


John Dingman
03-28-2005, 10:08 PM

Welcome to the Creek. Great bunch of guys here. I am afraid I am going to be no help with your buying problems as I am flying down the slope :D This arrived today:


I know it doesn't answer your question, nor does it add anything to the post, just added for visual effect. ;)

Again, Welcome Aboard!

Bruce Branson
03-28-2005, 10:48 PM
http://www.msnusers.com/pictures%2FDSC00105.JPGThis is what I have put together in about 9 months.I started with just a#4 record that is now a scrub plane, and, a block plane. Unless it is something huge or a lot of it the planes are a lot of fun to use and collect.I thought I had to have every electric tool and now it is the other way around!This is the fleet so far.

Roy Wall
03-28-2005, 11:05 PM

Your photo didn't load....make sure its not too big---aroun 700 pixels square or 90k file .........

Bruce Branson
03-28-2005, 11:17 PM
Yes it said my file was a little too big I will try to fix it.

Derek Cohen
03-29-2005, 12:59 AM
Well talk about sliding down the slope!!!! You don't need any help from us in choosing tools. You are doing very well on your own!

Very nice.

Regards from Perth


Bruce Branson
03-29-2005, 2:40 AM
Thanks Gents,I have a Record 050 plough plane and a router plane coming ,so I should be set for a while.

Eric Coyle
04-02-2005, 3:00 AM
That WS 78 looks suspiciously like a Woden 78, what with the front knob.

A way better tool than any stanley 78, what with two arms.

The info on the controlllability that the front knob adds has been in the oldtool net universe for about 10 years now, and is easily added to any 78 type plane.

From what little I know, Woden is an English make, probably absorbed by Marples, then by Record, then by Record Ridgeway, and probably now, by tupperware.

Hope that helps.

Eric in Calgary

PS. howcome there's nos sawdust or shavings in the "fleet photo" ?

Bruce Branson
04-02-2005, 9:15 AM
Found out that WS was purchased by Woden in the early 50s.
Then Woden by Record in the early 60s.This was from a British site.I can't find any info about WS.Thanks for the help.
I took the pictures for insurance in the kitchen because the benches in the shop are coverd with work.

Alice Frampton
04-02-2005, 10:37 AM
Hello, Bruce,

Absolutely all I know: WS Manufacturing Ltd of Quadrant Works, Sheepcote St, Birmingham, England. Bought by Steel Nut & Joseph Hampton (later Woden Tools Ltd) in 1952. Probably the originators of the two-railed rebate plane design (sounds like maybe you found BugBear's page with that information..?) and the source for Woden's plane line. Other than that they seem to be rather shrouded in mystery; not even a date for their founding. Well it's a tiny bit more information anyway.

Cheers, Alf

Bruce Branson
04-02-2005, 12:47 PM
Yes Alf,I did find that info on BugBears page.Thanks for the help.

Mark Singer
04-02-2005, 1:48 PM
Excellent Group...there are some familiar faces in the crowd and some real favorites....looks a lot like my drawer...

Bruce Branson
04-02-2005, 6:18 PM
Mark, I am pleased with all of the tools they work well with the exception of the Anant 10 Jack Rabbit.Even at it's low price it is not worth the money.It takes to much work to tune it.

Mark Singer
04-02-2005, 6:27 PM

I don't have that one....its the old you get what you pay for...

Larry Browning
04-03-2005, 10:41 AM
My best friend in high school name is Bruce Branson. Did you attend Will Rogers High in Tulsa Okla and grauate in 1970? If so, you are him!!!


Bruce Branson
04-03-2005, 2:38 PM
Sorry Larry,I am from Ohio and moved to Virginia in 98.