View Full Version : Nostepinde and Corzetti Stamp - odd combo, yes?

Jim Underwood
04-15-2012, 12:45 PM
I have a couple of friends who wanted some things made...

The first is a Nostepinne for a knitting friend. A nostepinne (nostepinde) is really nothing more than a tapered stick for winding a center pull ball of yarn. Pretty straightforward spindle turning. Interesting that the two colors in this Walnut wound up evenly split on each side - not really planned. Sanded to 400. WOP finish. About 10" long x 1" dia.


The second is a corzetti stamp. It's kind of a cookie cutter for pasta, with the addition of a decorative stamp. The cutter is flipped over, the cutout is place upon it, and the top piece stamps the pattern onto the round, making it into a "coin", hence the common name "scudi". The pattern leaves a decorative impression on the pasta.
These obviously took a bit more work as they had to be reverse turned in a friction/jam chuck as well as carved to create the pattern. I used my Dremel carver to create the patterns. As you can see, the Cherry burns pretty easily. Once I turned the RPM down I didn't burn as much. Still getting used to power carving. If I knew how to get my v-groove tool scary sharp, I'd have used it instead. Evidently these stamps are highly sought after and highly valued if they are made by known Italian carvers...
Made from some scrap Cherry from a 4x4 found under a shipment of plywood or lumber that came in, sanded to 400 grit, with mineral oil finish, and buffed at high RPM. Don't want that pasta sticking to them, y'know... I'm promised a batch of corzetti for this (yum!)

Baxter Smith
04-15-2012, 5:50 PM
Very interesting turnings Jim. My sister is a big time knitter. I will have to check to see if she needs one! I don't know of anyone in my family who makes pasta, but I sure like to eat it!

Steve Schlumpf
04-15-2012, 5:55 PM
Nice work on both of these turnings Jim! First I have heard of a corzetti stamp - sounds like a pretty cool item to have if you make your own pasta! Did you come up with the design or did your customer?

Jim Underwood
04-15-2012, 9:33 PM
I'd never heard of a corzetti stamp either...

I just looked at a jillion of them on google images, made a sketch, and made one.

Steve Mawson
04-15-2012, 10:02 PM
The pasta stamp is pretty neat. When the pasta is cooked does the pasta retain the design from the stamp?

Bernie Weishapl
04-15-2012, 11:07 PM
Really nice turnings Jim. The stamp is really cool. I have never seen one.

Bill Wyko
04-16-2012, 1:43 AM
Never seen anyone make either of those. Very cool, especially the stamp.

Jim Underwood
04-16-2012, 9:06 AM
The pasta stamp is pretty neat. When the pasta is cooked does the pasta retain the design from the stamp?

Having never done it myself, I couldn't say for sure... I assume so, otherwise, what would be the point of stamping it, only for the design to disappear when cooking? I guess I'll find out when I get a batch from my friend...