View Full Version : New 64 driver from Epilog

Darryl Hazen
04-13-2012, 5:53 PM
Just got an email from Amy Dallman at Epilog telling me there's a new 64 bit driver for those using X6. Not for X5.

www.epiloglaser.com/downloads.htm (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001LCtvROrM1lIQCXLzHiYggijxCQ5nzBzs2NWWOD t7fqDfWeL-ahtu2V-kA7uqEnwlPxT4lvOfb24kgNW0wcaurAumU6c2JpJ8artEjy-Gf5MP9_mIUzAup5ovjho_1rvEh4FJ_SfnF14=).

Tim Bateson
04-13-2012, 7:04 PM
I've been testing it for the past couple days and YES it seems to have resolved my crashing issues! It'll get a good workout this weekend.

NOTE: Version 8.08 is for 64bit OS with X6 only. I'm using the beta X6 that expires here soon, so I'll be back to X5 and 8.07 and crashing 1 or 2 times a day.

Craig Matheny
04-14-2012, 6:49 PM
so I'll be back to X5 and 8.07 and crashing 1 or 2 times a day.
Tim are you running your x5 on a 64 bit windows software?

Tim Bateson
04-14-2012, 7:00 PM
Tim are you running your x5 on a 64 bit windows software?

Usually - yes, with the 8.07 74bit driver. Currently running X6 with a pre-release version of the 8.08 driver.

Craig Matheny
04-14-2012, 7:05 PM
You said after the beta you will go back to crash a few times a day with x5.... Is that running on a 64 bit win 7 machine? If so is it the large files that cause the crashing or locking up?

Tim Bateson
04-14-2012, 7:41 PM
You said after the beta you will go back to crash a few times a day with x5.... Is that running on a 64 bit win 7 machine? If so is it the large files that cause the crashing or locking up?

Yes, but will also happen if I'm sending job after job to the laser. Sometimes just a couple will do it, and other times it takes a lot. It also would force me to reboot or my regular printer driver wouldn't work after using the laser (not always, but often).

Craig Matheny
04-14-2012, 7:47 PM
YEah I have the same issue going to downgrade my 64 bit win to 32 bit and solve the issue. did not have the problem with X4