View Full Version : Small bowl with lid and dish

Charles Bruno
04-13-2012, 12:08 AM
Turned these for my wife,its made from some sort of oak I got from a friend, he called it a "water oak"? It's hard and tight grained,sands well.I did not have a chuck when I turned them.

Eric Gourieux
04-13-2012, 12:45 AM
great job on the bowls and lid. I like the little handle. How did you turn them without a chuck?

Charles Bruno
04-13-2012, 1:18 AM
Started them between centers, made Jam chucks from some 2by and attached it to my face plate. It took awhile to get things to fit. I now have a G3 chuck, going to turn some olive or walnut or both:D this weekend.

Thomas Canfield
04-13-2012, 10:18 PM
Nice job. The wood looks like some I turned that they said was water oak. The smaller pieces (up to 8") turned OK, but the larger sections were proned to major checking when twice turned.

Kathy Marshall
04-14-2012, 2:10 AM
Nice job Charles! Enjoy your new G3, it's going to make turning bowls and things quicker and easier.

John Keeton
04-14-2012, 5:36 AM
Charles, nice work, but I hope that pith through your bowl doesn't cause issues. Congrats on the chuck - that will certainly make things easier! The walnut should be much more stable than either the water oak or the olive.