View Full Version : Japanese Chisel Haiku...

Stephen Dalfollo-Daley
03-27-2005, 11:50 PM
just passing on some japanese chisel haiku i received from a friend...

I hold the chisel
It balances in my hand
The price is too much

Slicing my wallet
The edge like Samurai sword
On-line tool purchase

Mark Singer
03-28-2005, 1:06 AM
If Japanese chisel and Haiku won't work the western version is Limerick...

The price of chisles is high
Its really not easy to buy
If dovetail I must
Make shavings or dust
I guess I'm a router guy

Mike Cutler
03-28-2005, 5:13 AM
Cute Mark, cute... :rolleyes:. It will start my day off well though, so thank you for that.