View Full Version : SawStop Gloat and Delta Update/Anti-Gloat

Russ Ambrose
04-09-2012, 10:17 PM
as i indicated in some recent posts, earlier this year i purchased a new Unisaw which i ended up returning and swapping for a SawStop ICS. at the time, i did not share any of the details as to why i returned what some consider the best tablesaw on the market. i'll share the story now (hopefully i'm smart enough to properly post the relevant pix) as well as share my initial impressions of my new, new tablesaw.

I. My Delta Experience

after unpacking my new Unisaw, i realized that a bag of the necessary hardware was missing. no big deal. the woodcraft dealer (from whom i purchased the saw) put me in touch with the Delta rep who tells me that he will get the new hardware delivered to me ASAP. seven days later, the missing hardware is dropped in the mail (not delivered, but shipped out). shouldn't take seven days to drop a bag of nuts and bolts in the mail, but hey, stuff happens. when i get the missing hardware, i finally start to assemble the saw.

it is then that i realize that one of the cast iron extension wings is unacceptably un-flat. i contact the Delta rep who assures me that a new wing will be in the mail ASAP. close to a week goes by, at which point i email the rep to ask if the wing is on its way. no reply. after several more days, i email again to ask "what's up?" fourteen days (two entire weeks) after being assured that the replacement wing would be sent ASAP, Delta eventually ships one out. again, we're not talking two weeks to get it to my doorstep, but instead two weeks to actually getting around to shipping it out. by this point, i'm not very happy and am really starting to question the company which just relieved me of more than $3k. nevertheless, i figured this sort of stuff happens and as long as they fix the problem we're good. however, when i saw the "replacement" extension wing they sent me, i said enough is enough.

the first two pix below show the corner of the extension wing. the third picture is of the top edge of the wing (there is another similar defect a little further down that edge). are you kidding me? what am i supposed to do with THAT? according to Woodcraft, Delta's story is that the wing was damaged in shipment. i'm no metallurgist, but i'm not buying it - sure looks like a manufacturing defect to me. i can't imagine what FedEx would have to do to that thing to inflict that kind of damage. but, to me anyway, the giveaway was that this replacement wing arrived without any cosmoline or other protective oil or coating. you will never convince me that Delta didn't just send me something off the reject pile. moreover, even if i bought the story that FedEx did it, Delta should have shipped it in something better than a hastily constructed (and very poorly fitted) thin cardboard box.

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as i think i posted elsewhere, if you expect me to plop down upwards of $3k on a piece of equipment, i figure i'm not just buying a discrete piece of equipment, but am also (in a sense) purchasing the company behind it. by this point, i had lost all faith in Delta and had no confidence that my warranty was worth the paper on which it was printed. to Delta's credit, they didn't (to my knowledge) raise a fuss when i "asked" to return the Unisaw. a part of me was very sad to return that saw. it is an impressive piece of equipment the design and engineering of which has clearly been well thought out. if Delta had simply provided me the level of customer service i thought i deserved, i'd be here telling you how much i liked my Unisaw. wasn't to be, i suppose. i recognize that my experience with Delta is (hopefully) the exception and not the rule, but it is my only experience with Delta (although i do have my grandfather's old, old Delta bandsaw which i rebuild/restored and absolutely love).

II. My SawStop Experience

one of my concerns about SawStop was i thought that maybe their products were "second tier" machines (not quite as good as the Unisaw or Powermatic and others) with a cool safety feature. i just wasn't interested. well, after my experience with Delta i got interested real quick. after kicking the tires on the ICS at my local Woodcraft and talking with others on this and other forums, i realized that my "concern" was unfounded. so, then i call SawStop to ask some questions. i had some specific questions, but i also wanted to try and get a sense of whether they understood the concept of customer service. simply put, they "get it." the phone is answered by real people, KNOWLEDGABLE people (they know their products inside and out) who listen and answer your questions. i've had occasion to call them a couple times with questions that have come up along the way and if there is a tool mfg with better customer service, i'd love to know who it is.

i doubt i've got anything to say about the ICS that many others haven't already said. the ICS is impressive. cuts through 8/4 ash like a hot knife going through butter. the quality and fit and finish on this thing is very impressive. and it is a very well engineered machine. never thought i'd say it, but, overall, it's a more impressive machine (to me) than the Unisaw. and that's not even considering the blade brake. obviously, if having a blade brake was my primary concern i wouldn't have purchased the Unisaw. i strongly believe that with proper practices and techniques there is NO reason for a person's hand to ever get near the saw blade. but i must admit that as i get older i notice my senses diminishing a bit and i'm sure my reaction time isn't what it used to be. also, i'm not arrogant enough to think that i'm beyond having an accident. i've made more than my share in life, fortunately just not any involving a table saw. so, getting the added insurance of the blade brake just made getting the SawStop an even easier decision.

III. My Woodcraft Experience

a brief word about my local Woodcraft. i live in SW Michigan and purchased both the Unisaw and SawStop through the Grand Rapids Woodcraft. Gary and Marlene Foote own this particular Woodcraft. without their assistance in dealing with Delta, i cannot imagine i would ever have gotten this thing resolved to my satisfaction. the level of customer service that Gary and Marlene (and all their employees) provide is phenomenal. it is why i shop there. if you're anywhere close to GR, you really should stop in and give them your business.

in conclusion, i hope Delta gets whatever is ailing them turned around. i'm sure they make a lot of great equipment and consumers always benefit from more (rather then fewer) quality mfgs in the marketplace. however, i am very impressed with my SawStop and am looking forward to many, many years of use with it. here is a not-so-good pic of my new saw, as well as a photo of my workshop mascot, who also approves of the purchase. thanks for reading (if you managed to make it this far) and thanks also to all of you that offered opinions and insight in response to my questions.

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Mike Heidrick
04-09-2012, 10:45 PM
I have owned an ICS since 2006. Zero issues and darn glad its in my shop. I have some big import and US Delta tools in the shop and I love them too. Sorry you got a bum Delta deal but you will love this ICS. Congrats! UofI is about 38 miles from me. Stop by if you are ever in the area.

Lets hope a needy woodworker (read poor) gets a killer deal on that unisaw and makes it into his/her dream saw!!

Ron Natalie
04-10-2012, 8:10 AM
I have a PCS and prior to it's arrival I bought a specialized dial gauge after having Delta saws in the past that always required alignment after delivery. Me and my woodworking neighbors spent 20 minutes checking just about everything and decided there wasn't anything we could have done to improve the setup.

The local woodcraft workers are stellar around here as well. I wish I could say the same about their national organization/website. My JJP-12HH purchase through them has left me deciding that I will NEVER order anything from their website again. They are willing to alienate a customer that dropped over $3000 by abusing them with fraudulent $10 charges. Fortunately I think the local Woodcraft store will probably take care of it even if the national Customer Support won't respond to the issue.

Myk Rian
04-10-2012, 8:26 AM
Those 2 teeny tiny dings upset you?

Jeff Monson
04-10-2012, 8:44 AM
Those 2 teeny tiny dings upset you?

Something like those dings would probably be acceptable, but its more than likely the poor customer service that pushed Russ into defense mode.

Russ Ambrose
04-10-2012, 9:10 AM
Jeff, you're absolutely right that it was the poor customer service that lead me to request a return. Myk, i suspect you're being sarcastic, but it makes me wonder whether anybody thinks i was being unreasonable in seeking a return of the Unisaw.

Neil Brooks
04-10-2012, 10:10 AM
a) Congrats on your new ICS. Beautiful.

b) Everybody has his/her own threshold for manufacturers' defects on arrival. I don't begrudge ANYBODY who wants a near-perfect machine, for their $3,000+. Neither do I begrudge anybody who can live with dents/dings, or doesn't mind fixing what the manufacturer failed to get right.

Realistically, those who keep that standard HIGH, and ask the manufacturer to deliver on THEIR promises ... IMHO ... do more to help the rest of us than those who choose to "live with it."

Beautiful ICS. Enjoy :)

Russ Ambrose
04-10-2012, 10:25 AM
i guess i would add that there was nothing about that replacement wing that was acceptable. those weren't just "dings." the defect in the corner stuck up close to 1/16th of an inch, making it completely unusable. as for the two chips in the top edge, while i suppose i could have operated the saw with those there, would you be willing to accept such a defect given what they charge for these things? i'm not taking a shot at you, and i apologize if i have misread or misunderstood your comment, but i find it hard to believe that anybody would find that wing acceptable.

Neil Brooks
04-10-2012, 10:31 AM
If that last post was to me ... I would have done what you did.

I'm not really looking to mill my CI top flat, on my new $3,000 table saw, but ... that's just me.

Russ Ambrose
04-10-2012, 11:01 AM
Neil, sorry, that particular comment was not directed at you. i actually agree with you that we're all better off when customers hold mfg's feet to the fire re: their products and customer service. my comment was directed at Jeff who (if i understood his comment correctly) suggested that the defects in that replacement wing would be "acceptable." i do agree with what i think was his main point - that if i'd had confidence in Delta's customer service i would probably have just requested another replacement wing and went about my business. however, i just don't agree that the replacement wing was in any way acceptable or usable. again, i apologize if i have misunderstood what he said.

David Hostetler
04-10-2012, 11:07 AM
Those 2 teeny tiny dings upset you?

If I had been given the run around like the OP did, the replacement parts had darn well better be absolutely perfect... Of course he's being picky. For $3K spent on a saw he should be. We aren't talking about a $150.00 bench top saw after all...

Kyle Iwamoto
04-10-2012, 11:48 AM
Welcome to the club! You'll love your saw. I do.

Sorry to hear of your issues with Delta. I'm really sad to see that company go to where you had to return your saw. I have several of thier tools and really like them. No issues. Hopefully they will work through this hard times. And yes, that wing would be returned if it came to my door after dropping $3K and waiting a month...

Russ Ambrose
04-10-2012, 12:52 PM

my understanding is that Woodcraft has arranged with Delta to sell that Unisaw as a used item. whoever purchases it is getting a heck of saw and probably a really good deal as i barely had a chance to use it. what gave away my affinity for the U of Illinois? i appreciate your offer and the next time i return to my alma mater i'll be sure to give you a shout.

Chris Tsutsui
04-10-2012, 1:20 PM
That's great news on the sawstop for I hear good things about them and I'm always messing around with the demo model when I visit my local rockler/woodcraft.

I do think that a small file could remove the burr from those tiny dings in the Delta and the resulting table top will be flat. Functionally the delta is probably perfect.

I never made a fuss about it but one of my Hammer K3 outfeed tables was dented. I noticed it immediately when receiving the item on the pallet and so did the shipper and we made note of it. I didn't make a fuss about it though because I just banged it out.

I only make a fuss about things I believe relate to function. :)

Eventually my cast iron top has scratches on it from tiny grains of sand or who knows what... and the painted sheet metal has wear spots where wood rubs. It's all good though.

I think tools are meant to be used before they are outdated with something better. The sawstop will soon be replaced by the newer model that doesn't trash the blade and has even more safety features.

I give props to Delta for accepting the return without a fuss though it's a shame they didn't serve you well. Customer service is so crucial, it probably cost them this one sale and then some more because of this post.

Tom Hintz
04-10-2012, 1:33 PM
I also joined the SawStop ranks a couple months ago and was also pleasantly surprised at the quality of the saw around the brake system. I have the Professional Cabinet saw and it is full of new thinking from what may well be the best dust collection I have ever seen to a hydraulic mobile base that I continue to play with every time I go by the saw. It is just so far above other mobile bases that I wonder what everybody else is or was thinking about?
Anyway, enjoy the SawStop even without the brake it's a great piece!

Cary Falk
04-10-2012, 1:35 PM
I'm glad it all worked out for you. here is nothing worse then a new tool not living up to your expectations. The thread is also a good reminder that bad tools/customer service can happen any day to anyone reguardless of price point and tool origin. Many people seem to forget this.

Don Jarvie
04-10-2012, 4:46 PM
Good for you Russ. These companies need to learn that Customer Service is very important.

Russ Ambrose
04-10-2012, 4:55 PM
Chris, i don't necessarily disagree with your main point (only make a fuss about things that relate to function), but if a reasonably flat and defect free work surface is not an essential function of a table saw, i don't know what is. for $3k i don't think i should have to file off burrs from the top of the work surface.

Bruce Page
04-10-2012, 5:41 PM
Russ, I am glad that you are happy with the SawStop. Everyone has a different aggravation level in these situations. What bothers me might not bother the next guy and vice versa, and neither person is in the wrong. I always factor in the aggravation level in these situations. If the defect is unacceptable to me I will return the item. If the aggravation level of returning an item such as large machine outweighs the defect, I will fix the defect or just live with it. When I uncrated my shiny new MiniMax bandsaw a few years ago I discovered that the “Mobility Kit” dolly had come loose in shipping and bent the lower blade guide cover and scratched the paint in a few places. For me, the aggravation level needed to try to return it was too high so I settled for some touch-up paint and straightened out the cover myself.

Larry Frank
04-10-2012, 7:52 PM
I also have had very good experiences dealing with the Woodcraft in Grand Rapids, MI. I have bought several tools from them and been very happy with their service.

Your experience with SawStop seems to be a common one. I actually wish that they made other tools as I would be certain to take a look at them.

(I have purchased several major tools from WMH tool group and been quite happy with them. I am not certain how comments about Jet made it into this thread. )

Kent A Bathurst
04-10-2012, 8:03 PM
[QUOTE=Russ Ambrose;1909350.. anybody thinks i was being unreasonable in seeking a return of the Unisaw.[/QUOTE]

You drop a few large on something, you automatically have the right to say "nah - I don't like it". Any reason. No reason. Shoot - same thing for a 30 cent bolt. IMO, you had a good reason, but even if you didn't........