View Full Version : dw735- make blade changing quicker...

Art Mulder
04-09-2012, 9:42 PM
I had one of those lightbulb moments the other week...

I was changing the blades on my dw735 (DeWalt Planer) using the included T-shaped tool. It is a fairly easy job, just slow and tedious. There are 8 machine screws on each blade, that is 24 times you need to loosen a screw. Then you need to do it24 more times as you put the new blades back.

I found a spare allen key in my shop, hacked the bend off of it with a hacksaw and chucked it into my driver... :D:D:D:DAnd it worked like a charm. At first I could hardly believe how easy it was to now remove those screws.

You can use this to put the screws back in also, but do be very careful that you have each screw properly threaded before you use the driver... I'm sure it could strip the threads out very quickly! :eek:

Photo Gallery:

More photos on my website (http://www.wordsnwood.com/2012/735tool/)... not that you need them, this is a pretty simple little idea!

Kevin Gregoire
04-09-2012, 11:12 PM
nice tip art! i was doing the same thing except with a lot longer allen wrench i got at grainger.
and yes your right, you better thread them in by hand a little first or your in a world of hurt
trying to re-thread.

Brian D Anderson
04-10-2012, 11:25 AM
Ha! I figured the same thing out last year. I found a 3" adapter in one of my driver adapter kits that fits. And yes, I hand thread them when I'm putting them back in, and I set the torque on my driver accordingly.
