View Full Version : Your Opinions Re TS Outfield Table Dimensions

Howard Rosenberg
03-27-2005, 10:35 PM
Hi all -

Last year, I built a folding TS outfeed table but it's a BEAR to fold up and unfold.

The question - how wide is YOUR outfeed table?
Does yours sort of line up with the fence's rails?
With the TS top?
Any pros/cons one way or the other?

The resaon I ask is because I just bought a new TS fence that requires a rear rail.

I'll be building a mobile rolling cart for my TS and expect to build it four feet long in the same direction as the fence's rails.
The part of the outfeed table closest to the TS's table will be connected to the base. The idea is to traverse the distance the motor occupies. The rear-most part of the outfeed table will hang down to be pulled up to use.

Thank you for your input.

Jim Becker
03-27-2005, 10:41 PM
My folding outfeed table is 48" wide. I wish it was full-width, however, and may rebuild it someday as such.