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View Full Version : Simple iPad stand using the wooden hinge design posted in the forum last November...

Duncan Crawford
04-09-2012, 12:16 PM
A couple of weeks ago I updated my iPad from ver 1 to ver 3, and this time around put a robust rubber case on the new one, the better to withstand assorted grandkids. The case meant that the usual commercial stands generally wouldn't fit, and I wanted something to hold the iPad so I could catch up on news or read while eating lunch. The proverbial lightbulb lit-- great use for the wooden hinge posted here last year. Now I've a simple stand that lives next to the salt and pepper shakers, out of the way until needed. The dimensions can be almost anything you'd like-- for mine it's 14 x 1.5 inches with 3/4 inch slots at 20 degrees. This keeps the center of gravity inside the hoop regardless of iPad orientation. Material is 5mm maple/birch plywood, but luan or underlayment also work just fine. Enjoy, and thanks again to the forum folks who post such useful info for the rest of us :-)


Mike vonBuelow
04-09-2012, 12:36 PM
useful and nice looking!

Roger Leiva
04-09-2012, 12:54 PM
Sir Duncan. Thank you very much for your input. It is very interesting and useful.

Roger Leiva, Helix 24 - 60 Watt. (Costa Rica)

Michael Kowalczyk
04-09-2012, 2:35 PM
Hey Duncan,
Thanks for sharing. One comment is that it will be great for home or office but it is not one that is portable. If the hinge is bent to quick or sharp it will break. You can't put it in your pocket or what ever you carry your stuff in unless you make a box to store it in. Well I know that's more than 1 comment but Hey, I just created another vertical market for your stand.;)

Duncan Crawford
04-09-2012, 3:04 PM
Hey Duncan,
Thanks for sharing. One comment is that it will be great for home or office but it is not one that is portable. If the hinge is bent to quick or sharp it will break. You can't put it in your pocket or what ever you carry your stuff in unless you make a box to store it in. Well I know that's more than 1 comment but Hey, I just created another vertical market for your stand.;)


Thanks :-) Yup, this was/is intended for basic table-top use-- got one in the house, another out in the truck camper. Likely need two or three more in the camper to allow for the breakage if/when discovered by young grandkids in a couple of weeks. There's probably some sort of rubber or plastic/polymer compound out there that would be more robust, but I've got a 5 gal bucket full of scrap plywood pieces and had fun tweaking the hinge design to make it work on the 5mm stuff. Figured I'd just dump the thing back into the knowledge pool so others could have fun as well.


Greg Bednar
04-09-2012, 5:08 PM
A side note - you can also use acrylic for the stand.