View Full Version : TS-Aligner & Ed Bennett

John Celi
04-08-2012, 4:28 PM
I have been trying to reach Ed to order a TS-Aligner. I have been doing this for 6 months off and on. Anybody have any information that he is continuing to build the product or has he packed up? His web site continues to be a wealth of information.

Thanks - John

Kevin Gregoire
04-08-2012, 6:49 PM
did you try calling him? there is a lot of information on his contact page http://www.ts-aligner.com/contactinfo.htm

doesnt look like the website has been updated in several years.

Bob Wingard
04-08-2012, 6:50 PM
As you have said ... his site is still up, but he seems unresponsive ... your is just one of many such observations.

Bruce Wrenn
04-08-2012, 10:40 PM
Grab hold of a copy of John White's book "Care and Repair of Shop Machines." Cost about twenty bucks, but on just TS alignment you will save more than that. He uses a dial indicator attached to miter gauge and a piece of 1/2" plywood for plate. Woodsmith #179 has an article on building your own holder for dial indicator. Also look at Jerry Cole's A-Line-It from In-Line industries. One came with my Dubby. Jig from Woodsmith does the exct same thing.

John Coloccia
04-09-2012, 7:38 AM
FWIW, I've been using this and have been very satisfied.


Kevin Gregoire
04-09-2012, 8:47 AM
i also use the a-line-it basic unit and it works great.
i dont remember who had it on sale but it was under twenty bucks for the
aluminum beams and i got a dial indicator at harbor freight so i have a great
tool for under thirty five bucks. but i also had made a wood one which had
worked exactly the same for only the price of a dial indicator... but of course
aluminum just looks way cool! :-)

Marty Scott
04-09-2012, 11:42 AM
I spoke directly with Mr. Bennett in February, 2011 and was told at that time I'd missed being included in a batch he made just earlier. Two subsequent phone calls a few months later got no reply, so it has been my assumption that he's out indefinitely, too.

Like Kevin and John, I use a basic A-Line-It (which I use with my own DI). It may be minor overkill when compared with the "indicator on a wood stick" approach, but the miter bar adjustment is easy and there is no slop in the aluminum.

Will Rowland
04-09-2012, 12:40 PM
I placed an order for one with Mr. Bennett in July 2010, and I was also told I'd just missed the last batch. He replied to an email I sent him in Oct 2010 about the status, but a subsequent email I sent a few months later was never replied to. I ended up buying a TS-Aligner on eBay (at retail price), but, honestly, have only used it once since.

The whole ordering proces for the TS-Aligner was a bit "Soup Nazi-ish"; it would seem to me that by committing a small amount of capital to hold finished inventory Mr. Bennett could have sold a lot more of the devices. I read where one guy actually tried to buy a bunch of the devices, to resell to those who wanted one "now", but Mr. Bennett got quite upset when he found out about that gentleman's intentions...

Jordan Lane
04-09-2012, 3:52 PM
That's sad to hear....i have the TS aligner and it has been one accurate and easy to use product...what a shame