View Full Version : A plate

Jerry Marcantel
04-08-2012, 2:15 PM
This plate was cut from the same mesquite stump that the bowl in my previous post was made from.... It is currently has no finish on it, but is ready for it when I make up my mind on what to do... It's 11/16" tall at the outer rim, 9 1/4" od, and is 1'4" thick with a 1/4" foot.. This was tougher than the bowl, because near the center was a dirt pocket(the dark spot) which would allow me about 10 seconds of cutting before I had to resharpen my gouge... I ended up mining out 90% of the dirt so I could get the "dang" thing finished......
C&C's welcomed........... Jerry (in Tucson)


charlie knighton
04-08-2012, 2:47 PM
very nice, love mesquite

John Keeton
04-08-2012, 2:49 PM
Some finish on that one will really bring out the grain of the mesquite - nice work!

Steve Schlumpf
04-08-2012, 4:52 PM
Another beauty Jerry! Love the sense of motion that the grain pattern evokes! I agree with John - a little oil based finish will make that grain pop!

Jim Burr
04-08-2012, 5:14 PM
What the heck are you waiting for!?? Get some oil on that thing and lets see it shine!