View Full Version : "Foundations 1Corinthians 3:10" Buckeye Burl Hollowform

Ken Vonk
04-07-2012, 9:04 PM
This piece is made from Buckeye Burl and is 15" tall and 9 1/2" in diameter. It is approximately 3/16" thick and finished with WOP. A not so funny thing happened when I worked my way down to the bottom. The "void" extended all the way around. If I had hollowed it as is it was, it would have flown off the lathe :eek:. I used splints during the hollowing process to hold it together. After hollowing I filled most of the voids with coffee grounds and CA glue. Your comments and critique are greatly appreciated. Please excuse the photography as I only had a point and shoot camera and no lighting or backround when I took the pictures.

TIA, Ken

Jim Burr
04-07-2012, 9:25 PM
We need more Ken!!! More pics...more explanation on why it looks this is on a competition...why it took so long to post!!! From what I can see and the pens/stoppers I've turned from buckeye...you've done good!!!

Jon Lanier
04-07-2012, 9:31 PM
I love it! More pics are needed. by the way, what is a splint?

Ken Vonk
04-07-2012, 9:32 PM
Thanks for the post Jim. I'm guessing you looked at my history? Yes, this piece is similar to the last piece I posted, last June. I have been so busy that I haven't posted any of my work since then. The piece I posted this evening is not the piece I posted last June. Yes, that piece won a contest for me :-). This piece is 3" shorter. It's at Gallery 726 in Hot Springs, were I display and sell my work. I have to agree that Buckeye burl is terrible to turn! It tears easily, dulls tools very quickly and scratches easily. I hate that it doesn't show the scratches until after 2 or three coats of poly have been applied! It is, however, very beautiful and it sells quite well.


Bernie Weishapl
04-08-2012, 2:44 AM
Beautiful piece Ken.

John Keeton
04-08-2012, 6:20 AM
Ken, I recall the other vase you posted and this one is nice, too. Well done! I wondered about the splints, as well - will be interested in your response.

Michelle Rich
04-08-2012, 6:51 AM
ah, you have my camera & my picture taking skills! Good not to be alone!! I'm adventuresome, but not this adventuresome. Ken, you get the nerves of steel award

Josh Bowman
04-08-2012, 8:43 AM
Ken, the curve looks nice.....what there is of it ;) The wood and voids are wonderful to my eye. Very interesting to look at. Also would like to see more.