View Full Version : Turkish boxwood

Matthew N. Masail
04-07-2012, 3:58 PM

Simply put, what's the deal with this wood that makes it so desiarble for plane making?

Jim Matthews
04-07-2012, 7:37 PM
It's hard, stable and carves well.

It's like Basswood, with an attitude.

Matthew N. Masail
04-07-2012, 11:24 PM
got it, thanks ! :) I think I'll use the sapele I have with a ebony sole

David Keller NC
04-08-2012, 8:41 AM
Also, boxwood develops a really beautiful honey-colored patina after use and exposure to U.V. That patina is what drives the collector's market for planes in this wood.

Wow - this stuff sure has gotten pricey. The piece that you linked to, if my math is right, works out to $191 per b.f., and that doesn't count shipping.

Matthew N. Masail
04-09-2012, 10:17 AM
thier prices include shipping.... but it's still crazy high... however I do hear that the patina has a marked improvment in tear out with defficult grain.