View Full Version : what have I gotten myself into?

Michelle Rich
04-07-2012, 9:15 AM
Many of you are familiar with my negative space designs. I have been asked to make these & use them in casework. the concept is to put them in doors on cabinets. So many hurdles to overcome. some of my designs are .363 thick and would never hold up to being used in furniture. The picture is of the design the folks want to put in the first set of doors, and then other of my designs on other furniture. Well, we'll see if I can pull it off. Getting a round turning into a "square box" is a real challenge. Cross your fingers for me, will ya? :eek:

charlie knighton
04-07-2012, 9:18 AM
good luck, let us see your progress, i have seen carving on furniture but not the negative space and round to boot

Steve Schlumpf
04-07-2012, 9:27 AM
Congrats on the commission work! I am sure it will provide many challenges for you but I have confidence in your abilities! Anyone who can make chairs the way you do will most certainly overcome the round turning/square furniture issue! Have fun! I look forward to seeing the finished products!

Michelle Rich
04-07-2012, 9:48 AM
thanks Charlie & steve; I may wimp out and tell them I will make the turning within a square and just live with the whirring edges! Yikes Seems to me, the simplest approach.

Faust M. Ruggiero
04-07-2012, 10:02 AM
Do you get to design the furniture so you can control the panel sizes? If so, can you turn your negative space design and leave a tenon that can be inserted into a groove in the frame. Given the fact that you came up with such an original concept and method of producing the negative space turnings, you will surely come up with a way to make the client happy. I can't wait to see the results. Hurry up and get drawing :)

Doug W Swanson
04-07-2012, 11:01 AM
If anyone can pull it off it will be you, Michelle!

Bernie Weishapl
04-07-2012, 11:35 AM
No doubts you will do fine Michelle.

Jeff Fagen
04-07-2012, 2:15 PM
I was thinking about suspending it in a frame using brass rod coming in from four sides. :cool:

John Keeton
04-07-2012, 2:30 PM
Michelle, the logistics may be challenging, but not impossible - you will, no doubt, do well with it! IMO, the concept of having the round piece in a square opening, suspended by dowels coming from top, bottom, and the sides would be a neat look! Brass might be an option, too, as Jeff notes.

The fragility issue is not your concern, I suspect, as you will forewarn the purchaser and from there it is their problem.

Roger Chandler
04-07-2012, 3:43 PM
Michelle.......seems like frame & panel construction is in order for this request..........not that I could replicate your wonderful design.............but putting that design in a square or rectangular panel seems the most secure way to make a door last for use in furniture.........

You could trace or replicate the turning and cut out the voids with a scroll saw after the turning part...........geez.....you had better keep your fingers on the correct side of the toolrest with these! How big are the cabinets to be......is it a display cabinet or one that is more utilitarian for a kitchen or bath?

Hayes Rutherford
04-07-2012, 4:25 PM
Michelle, just think positive about the negative and you will be fine.

Ed Morgano
04-07-2012, 7:10 PM
I know a person with your creativity and imagination will have no proble implementing the design. Good luck and be sure to post the finished product.

Eric Holmquist
04-07-2012, 10:08 PM
Not sure if this is a silly suggestion, but could you attach one of your negative space turnings to plate glass via epoxy or something like that. I've seen glass panels in furniture.

Baxter Smith
04-07-2012, 10:16 PM
Hope you post your first door Michele. It will be neat I am sure!

Michelle Rich
04-08-2012, 6:46 AM
thanks all for your support & ideas. Some I had too..using dowels or rods to suspend in an opening..I even have thought of stained glass supports! Yikes that's outside the box! I tried selling them stained glass doors, but nope, they want the designs. Faust, yes I have some design leeway, but not much.I have talked them into changing the door panels from two to four, so the smaller panels are closer to square and a lot smaller. I am limited to a 28 3/4 inch swing, which is huge for bowls, but not furniture panels! I'm still dooodling & thinking on it. Thanks all for your support. i need all I can hustle up, for this foray into madness! :-)

Ed Morgano
04-09-2012, 12:00 AM
I have a CNC router that could cut that pattern into a retangular panel without moving the pannel at all. Not sure about your time frame or if you'd be interested in help. Let me know. I'm in SC.

John Beaver
04-09-2012, 1:00 AM
Interesting challenge Michelle. I see a number of ways to skin this cat. I'm sure you will find the best option for yourself.