View Full Version : Totally Turning Seminars

Faust M. Ruggiero
04-04-2012, 7:58 AM
If you get a chance to look at Chris Stolicky's photographs in a prior post, on the first page of Chris's photographs, if you look at the fifth row down and the sixth and seventh photos across, there are two "basket turnings done by artist David Nittmann. David is an from Colorado. He is known for turnings that look like woven baskets. He colors the individual "squares" to create scenes he calls "cityscapes". David gave a seminar on color. He talked about combining colors to produce a harmonic feeling or what he called combining colors to produce a feeling of tension. He talked about how to use the color wheels to combine colors to produce exactly the color you want. He has combined his art with enough science and math that he demystified some of how artists use color to make the viewer feel a certain way when viewing art. If you are ever somewhere where you can attend one of his classes, he is well worth seeing.
Of course, all the presenters were wonderful and a treat to see do their magic in person.

Eric Holmquist
04-04-2012, 8:27 PM
I really enjoyed the demos by Chris Pytlik and Sharon Doughty, they were fantastic.

Alan Zenreich
04-04-2012, 9:20 PM
I also sat in on sessions by David Nittman and Chris Pytlik. Both topics were well presented.

Some folks thought the color theory session was a bit dry, but I like that kind of stuff.

Chris Stolicky
04-08-2012, 2:53 PM
I believe these are the pictures you are talking about:

The images are pretty small, so here are the links to the actual pictures:

They really are amazing.

Faust M. Ruggiero
04-08-2012, 5:33 PM
Bingo, Chris. Thanks for posting the files.

Michelle Rich
04-09-2012, 6:30 AM
thanks faust & chris..stunning examples..