View Full Version : Incra Router lifts

Michael Mayo
04-02-2012, 1:18 PM
Well I am getting close to finishing my Plansnow.com router table build and I am looking at lifts to put into the table. I have looked them all over and I seem to keep coming back to the Incra lifts. I like the PRLV2 and the Master-Lift II. Of these two is one better than the other excepting price of course. I like the features on the PRLV2 but the crank handle doesn't look very pleasing. The crank handle on the MasterLift looks much better but it doesn't have the micro adjust thumb wheel.

So opinions please PRLV2 or MasterLift II?

Cyrus Brewster 7
04-02-2012, 3:12 PM
First, that is not a crank handle on the PRLV2. What that is used for is to quickly (with 1/4 on a turn) raise and lower the carriage for bit changes and rough bit height. The thumb wheel is for final adjustment. The quick raising and lowering of the carriage is the big benefit of the PRLV2. You will need to know what motor you are putting in it as the lift takes different pads to accommodate size motors.

The Master-Lift II's main claim to fame is that it will take any size motor without needing different pads.

For the record I have used the V2 ( I own the original PRL) but not the Master-Lift II. However, I think I can safely say that you will be happy with either of them. I have only read good about both. Come to think of it, most recommendations will come from what is owned and in the shop.

If I were to buy one now I would go with the Sindewinder. It is the same as PRLV2 but with a crank that mounts either on the side or the front of the table and is used for final adjustment instead of the thumb wheel. This gives you the ability to raise the bit into the workpiece while the work piece is on the table. However, since your build is almost complete, you may not be able make room for the cable.

Here is the link for the Sidewinder:

http://www.incra.com/product_rta_wpsw.html (http://www.incra.com/product_rta_wpsw.html)

Van Huskey
04-02-2012, 3:45 PM
Personally, I prefer the Woodpecker lifts and have 2 original and 1 V2. If I were getting another it would be a WP (or a rebadge of it) since I am 100% happy with them and I know the lifts. If I was starting from scratch I would get the one that was cheaper at the time. They are both excellent and hard to go wrong, QC and CS are excellent from both.

Michael Mayo
04-02-2012, 11:50 PM
Here is the link for the Sidewinder:

http://www.incra.com/product_rta_wpsw.html (http://www.incra.com/product_rta_wpsw.html)

I forgot about the Incra Sidewinder option. And it is significantly cheaper than the PRLV2 and MasterLift II. I think I might just go with the Sidewinder in your link instead of the more expensive options. Not sure why the Sidewinder (http://www.incrementaltools.com/INCRA_Woodpeckers_Side_Winder_350_p/wpsw350.htm) 350 is so much cheaper than the other ones but it seems to have all the features I want so I think I have made up my mind unless you can talk me out of that lift for some reason?

Van Huskey
04-03-2012, 12:37 AM
I forgot about the Incra Sidewinder option. And it is significantly cheaper than the PRLV2 and MasterLift II. I think I might just go with the Sidewinder in your link instead of the more expensive options. Not sure why the Sidewinder (http://www.incrementaltools.com/INCRA_Woodpeckers_Side_Winder_350_p/wpsw350.htm) 350 is so much cheaper than the other ones but it seems to have all the features I want so I think I have made up my mind unless you can talk me out of that lift for some reason?

The 350 is the lighter duty version, the HD version is $100 more. I only use 3+hp motors in a table so there is only one choice but the 350 is certainly something to consider if you only need a mid-sized motor.

Cyrus Brewster 7
04-03-2012, 9:09 AM
I forgot about the Incra Sidewinder option. And it is significantly cheaper than the PRLV2 and MasterLift II. I think I might just go with the Sidewinder in your link instead of the more expensive options. Not sure why the Sidewinder (http://www.incrementaltools.com/INCRA_Woodpeckers_Side_Winder_350_p/wpsw350.htm) 350 is so much cheaper than the other ones but it seems to have all the features I want so I think I have made up my mind unless you can talk me out of that lift for some reason?

Like Van already stated, the 350 is for small motors only.

The HD is the first one listed on the link. It is $40 more than the standard PRLV2. If you decide on the PRLV2 over the Mast r Lift, I would seriously consider the sidewinder. However if you decide to save the $40, you can get the crank assembly at a later date from Woodpeckers (maker of the PRLV2), but this will set you back $100 if you wait.

Let us know what you decide.

Van Huskey
04-03-2012, 1:09 PM
One other point, if you go with any sidewinder version make sure it is long enough to work with your table, some have found ti too short for their already built table.

Rob Holcomb
04-03-2012, 3:46 PM
I too am finishing up a router table build and bought the Incra Mast R Lift II. I have no experience with any lift but I went with the features I wanted and with a lift that had a lot of positive feedback. In the end, most people have different likes and dislikes and everyone's opinion will vary. I'm sure I would have been just as happy with any one of the other lifts that have a lot of good feedback too. It's all personal choices in what fits your needs and budget.

Michael Mayo
04-04-2012, 12:39 AM
I think I am going to go with the MasterLift II as it gives me the option to change routers in the future without the need to buy additional parts etc. The sidewinder looks pretty convenient but it isn't absolutely necessary and heck i have been using my 1619 Bosch with just the t-wrench that came with it and the fixed base mounted in a quickly put together side table on my TS3650 so the MasterLift will be light years better than what I am currenly using. Plus I don't have to worry about the length of the Sidewinder not being long enough for my table.

Van Huskey
04-04-2012, 2:29 AM
You really can't go wrong with either of the those lifts.

rick sawyers
04-04-2012, 9:24 PM
I just got the Masterlift II and I love it. I think the fine adjustment is built into it. I have no problems adjusting it perfectly and it stays put thanks to the lock. The mechanism goes up and down really nicely and quicker than I thought. All around great tool. Really speeds up the time I spend at the router table by cutting down on set up and adjustments.

Alan Schaffter
04-04-2012, 9:56 PM
Go with the INCRA version of either WoodPeckers or Jessem- same innards but with the steel insert plates. They sit flat, are easier to take out and put it, and held firmly with rare earth magnets . Forget the Sidewinder add-on. Its flex shaft is too short and too stiff to make the bends required- poor engineering.

Michael Mayo
04-05-2012, 12:19 AM
Go with the INCRA version of either WoodPeckers or Jessem- same innards but with the steel insert plates. They sit flat, are easier to take out and put it, and held firmly with rare earth magnets . Forget the Sidewinder add-on. Its flex shaft is too short and too stiff to make the bends required- poor engineering.

Alan do you have a preference for either the MasterLift II or PRLV2? Those are the two lifts I am now considering. I am leaning towards the MasterLift because it will accept a larger router in the future without having to purchase any additional parts. The PRLV2 looks pretty nice but that thumb wheel adjuster concerns me? I simply like having something you can hold onto to make adjustments. Cost is a non-issue as they both cost $329.00 direct through Incremental Tools.

Alan Schaffter
04-05-2012, 10:39 AM
I don't have either unit. I have an older Woodpeckers Plungelift, but have played with a the V2. I have seen, but not played with the Jessem, but here are my thoughts.

You can't go wrong with either one. The cost of the V2 adapter pads is almost budget dust when you are spending over $300 for a lift plate or over $600 for a lift and router, so I don't consider that much of a factor. The case can be made that you don't need a crank to adjust the V2- true, but you still need the pull lever to raise it up to change bits, so neither lift is "tool-less". Some say the work gets in the way of the crank handle on the Jessem- well the same can be said of the V2 thumbwheel. (Despite this I still don't recommend the Sidewinder option). Thumbwheel vs crank for fine adjustment- I would lean towards the thumbwheel, I just think you have a little finer control. Bottom line, I would go to a WW show or retailer that has both and play with them for awhile.

I don't know about the new WP inserts, but I hated the old aluminum ones and the wrench. I know the reason for the left-hand thread, but don't agree there is a need for it. Remembering which way to turn them and having the wrench slip out of the holes really buggered my plate, so I switched the mechanism over to a standard INCRA plate which I modified to accept it.

To adjust the height or change bits, I don't use the crank- I added a bi-directional gear motor and paddle switch- I use it for all adjustments and don't use the crank any more.


Doug Colombo
04-05-2012, 11:43 AM
Personally, I prefer the Woodpecker lifts and have 2 original and 1 V2. If I were getting another it would be a WP (or a rebadge of it) since I am 100% happy with them and I know the lifts. If I was starting from scratch I would get the one that was cheaper at the time. They are both excellent and hard to go wrong, QC and CS are excellent from both.

I agree with Van - I love my Woodpeckers V1 lift !!!!

Michael Mayo
04-09-2012, 11:44 PM
Well I got sick of thinking about which lift to buy so i just ordered the MasterLift II today. I called Incremental Tools directly and spoke to a guy named Neil. He was very friendly and helpful. I asked if he was the head honcho but he stopped short of saying he was. My sense was that he is a big wig over there but just a curiosity. He also gave me a 10% new customer discount so my lift plus the cutting template to cut my table out cam to less than $340. Bonus! I also ordered the T-Track I need from Peachtree Woodworking. I went with the Peachtree stuff because they have a miter track that also has an inner track that rides inside of it whic is what I am going to use to mount the fence to. This should be much more accurate and stable and the movement I am hoping will be smoother than if I used the mini t-track and toilet bolts. I would recommend that if you are in the market for anything made by Incra to give them a call and speak to Neil. They ad the absolute lowest price anywhere for the router lift including Amazon and Neil was a pleasure to speak with. I will post some pics of the new lift when it arrives as well as the T-track as i have never seen anyone use it before.

Alan Schaffter
04-10-2012, 12:05 AM
Good choice!

Neil is not the honcho, but all the folks at INCRA are really super! Chris Taylor (Taylor Design Group) is the president and head designer while Perry McDaniel is head of operations and the all-around go-to guy. I've dealt with them a lot over the last three years- hopefully in a few weeks (I keep saying that, but mean it this time!) you will see the fruits of our labor.

Michael Mayo
04-10-2012, 10:48 AM
Good choice!

Neil is not the honcho, but all the folks at INCRA are really super! Chris Taylor (Taylor Design Group) is the president and head designer while Perry McDaniel is head of operations and the all-around go-to guy. I've dealt with them a lot over the last three years- hopefully in a few weeks (I keep saying that, but mean it this time!) you will see the fruits of our labor.

Care to elaborate on the "fruits of our labor" comment? Have you been helping them with a new design or tool? Inquiring minds want to know......... :)

Alan Schaffter
04-10-2012, 11:14 AM
Care to elaborate on the "fruits of our labor" comment? Have you been helping them with a new design or tool? Inquiring minds want to know......... :)

The INCRA "I-BOX" box joint jig- due out really soon. They took my original design which I licensed to them, and turned it into a superb INCRA product. It should be on the Incremental Tools website and possibly the websites of other vendors very soon.


Michael Mayo
04-10-2012, 2:56 PM
The INCRA "I-BOX" box joint jig- due out really soon. They took my original design which I licensed to them, and turned it into a superb INCRA product. It should be on the Incremental Tools website and possibly the websites of other vendors very soon.


I remember you talking about that jig a few months ago. It still has not beena released? How much is it going to cost? It looks pretty cool and if it is anything like the rest of the Incra stuff it will rock!

Alan Schaffter
04-10-2012, 8:13 PM
Not sure what MSRP will be, but you know how that goes. In any case you will get a lot for you money, especially when compared to the Woodsmith and Rockler jigs.