View Full Version : First HF

Eric Holmquist
03-29-2012, 9:16 PM
First Hollow Form made with the home made articulated arm hollowing system that I posted a photo of a week or two ago. Made a laser system for it using the Digi-key components. Made from a scrap from a pallet that I think is Mahogany. Around 5" (12 cm) tall. Still struggling to get a decent finish on it, using EM6000 waterborne lacquer over Shellac.

Piercing is with my experiment in cheap piercing rig ($35 set up new from eBay 300,000RPM air tool)


Still like my NSK Presto better, but this might be a decent option for folks who want to give piercing a try without spending a lot of money

Bernie Weishapl
03-29-2012, 9:35 PM
Eric that is a beauty for coming from a pallet. Really well done.

Baxter Smith
03-29-2012, 10:10 PM
Very nice design Eric! Well done!

Ron Bontz
03-29-2012, 11:20 PM
Just wow. Nice.

Doug W Swanson
03-29-2012, 11:20 PM
Very impressive! It's hard to believe this is your first!

What kind of air tool did you use? I'm looking at buying one and cheap (I mean inexpensive) is always good!

Kathy Marshall
03-29-2012, 11:36 PM
Very nice! Nice job on the piercing too!

David DeCristoforo
03-30-2012, 12:09 AM
Oh, only your first? Geez... my first looked way better than this... NOT!! Whatever the number, this is a great design with huge amount of character.

John Keeton
03-30-2012, 5:01 AM
Eric, looks like the work on the hollowing rig paid off! Very nice work, and I like the layout design on the piercing.

Michelle Rich
03-30-2012, 7:05 AM
good job. I'd sure like to find pallets like that!

Eric Holmquist
03-30-2012, 8:08 AM
Thanks everyone

David - I had tried hand held hollowing with poor results in the past, but decided that 2012 was the year that I would finally focus some serious energy on hollow forms. I spent a lot of time designing and building my own articulated arm hollowing system and with the completion of the laser system, I was finally ready to give it a try. At the moment all I have for boring bars is a strait one, but I will build a holder that lets me put a cutter in at an adjustable angle, basically a knock off of the Jaimeson insert. I will also make a tool holder for the Hunter Carbide cutter.

Doug - I normally use an NSK Presto, but I recently did some research on building a cheap intro kit for folks who are curious about piercing, but don't want to drop $350 on an NSK handpiece. See my earlier thread on the subject
http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?183535-Cheap-Piercing-Tool-Experiment&highlight= You can find new 2 hole and 4 hole 300,000RPM dental tools on ebay $20 for the handpiece (Y1CBA4) and an additional $15 for the hose assembly. High speed dental handpieces have an ISO spec for the multi hole hose fitting, so it is easy to get one that fits. For around $90 you can get a handpiece that has a built in LED with a built in generator that is powered by the drive air. For my initial experiment, I decided to go with the really cheap $20 unit that I can happily loan to friends who want to try piercing and not worry about them damaging the bearings on my expensive NSK.

Bernie / Michelle - It can be amazing what shows up as wood in large pallets for international shipping. I've seen 3"x3"x3' Purpleheart, Mahogany and Rosewood used, with no nail holes and only some slight grooves in each end for metal strapping. The receiver just tossed the stuff on the same pile with the cheap local fir pallets, free for the taking.

Jim Burr
03-30-2012, 8:27 AM
Bernie / Michelle - It can be amazing what shows up as wood in large pallets for international shipping. I've seen 3"x3"x3' Purpleheart, Mahogany and Rosewood used, with no nail holes and only some slight grooves in each end for metal strapping. The receiver just tossed the stuff on the same pile with the cheap local fir pallets, free for the taking.

I've got some of this stuff Eric...when the Japanese ship goods by ship, they use whatever wood is lying around. I have a friend at a shower door/glass company. I get mahogany and rosewood as long as I cut it up and leave a tidy area behind. No purple heart yet.
Beautiful scallop work on your HF...combination is great!

John Altberg
03-30-2012, 9:46 AM
This is exceptionally well done, Eric.

Scott Hackler
03-30-2012, 9:48 AM
Very nice piece Eric. I like the contrast of the top decoration and how it flows with the top of the piercing area.

Ken Glass
03-30-2012, 11:16 AM
It's Very hard to believe its your first HF. Good form, design, piercing and finish. Well Done.