View Full Version : Satisfaction

Jess Van Diest
03-29-2012, 12:05 PM
I just got a brand new LN LA BP and it's awesome. I worked with it for a good hour last night and it performed flawlessly. I could easily adjust it for fine or course shavings. The fine shaving were wispy, full width and almost lighter than air from spruce. The iron was nice and thick and after a quick sharpening on an arkansas stone and leather strop with green honing compound (all free hand) it would pop hair off your arm. In fact it was pretty funny because my friend shaved a little patch of hair off his arm so easily that he said he's considering using a straight razor and strop to shave his head now (bald guy).

Just thought you guys would like to hear about my experience as I'm sure many of you have had similar.


Jim Koepke
03-29-2012, 12:54 PM
I just got a brand new LN LA BP and it's awesome.

Yes it is.

Even as fine as it is out of the box, I have done a little bit of tuning to mine. (Can't keep an old fettler down.)

The sides of the sliding mouth plate have been given a few swipes on an Arkansas stone to make it a touch smoother. It was also given a few swipes with an oily rag.


Jess Van Diest
03-29-2012, 1:19 PM
Thanks Jim, I will do the same. The mouth plate does seem to stick a little when you adjust it.

Jess Van Diest
03-29-2012, 1:39 PM
Oh, and I forgot to mention I planed a little chunk of skin off of one of my fingers...

Jim Koepke
03-29-2012, 1:40 PM
Thanks Jim, I will do the same. The mouth plate does seem to stick a little when you adjust it.

Just do a little at a time. It is easy to do a little more later, impossible to undo at anytime.

As I recall, I also used some very fine sand paper to smooth the brass adjuster.


Jim Koepke
03-29-2012, 1:42 PM
Oh, and I forgot to mention I planed a little chunk of skin off of one of my fingers...

One has to be careful when using razor sharp tools.

I am still learning new ways to accidentally cut myself.


Jim Neeley
03-29-2012, 2:59 PM
I'm with you, Jim... the one advantage is they bleed profusely (self-cleaning) and heal quickly and with minimal scarring. Don't ask me how I know. <g>

Jim in Alaska

John A. Callaway
03-29-2012, 4:44 PM
Its better to be cut with a sharp tool than with a dull one..... at least, thats what the ER doctor told me when I got my stitches a year or so ago :D