View Full Version : Carved Rim Bowl - fishbowl?

Jim Underwood
03-25-2012, 11:28 PM
Need a title for this piece... critiques also welcomed.

This is an Ambrosia Maple Bowl, 4-1/8" tall x 4-1/4" diameter. The band has been rustically power-carved with a leaping fish motif, and has a branded background. This has one heavy coat of wipe on Poly. It took ten hours start to finish. I feel like I nearly nailed the shape, but not quite. Once I got it upright, it no longer looked right. Need to make another one...

Baxter Smith
03-25-2012, 11:41 PM
Way beyond my talents on the carving Jim, but a burned line to delineate the branded section might give a cleaner look to that area - if thats something you want. Lots of potential with this. Good luck on the next one!

charlie knighton
03-26-2012, 1:40 AM
like your fish, i think a 4w x 3h would have made your form better, not fond of your foot, seems to detract from continuous curve, maybe a bead instead of the foot, the foot reminds me of my first bowls, but the fish really do make this a nice bowl, title should reflect that

Eric Holmquist
03-26-2012, 5:25 AM
Excellent job and a fitting title! Since you seem not totally satisfied with the form, the only think I can offer is that it looks a bit too tall. That may be an illusion due to the strait sides near the top. Not sure if a slightly closed form would have been better, most glass fish bowls I've seen were slightly closed form.

John Keeton
03-26-2012, 6:13 AM
Jim, one doesn't realize how small those fish carvings are until seeing the dimensions of this piece! That was challenging, I bet.

I tend to agree with others on the form, and this type of carving may work better on a more horizontal form.

Steve Schlumpf
03-26-2012, 12:42 PM
Personally - I like the form of the bowl but feel it would look better without the foot. Nice work on the carving and I agree with Baxter that a burned line above and below the craving would give it more of a finished look. For a name... first thing I thought of was 'Upstream'.

Looking forward to seeing where this takes you!

Bill Wyko
03-26-2012, 12:53 PM
I'm with Steve, I like the form and agree with the burned lines above and below. As far as the carving goes, that's just cool. I'm just now getting into a bit of carving myself, so you're now and inspiration for me. Well done.

Scott Lux
03-26-2012, 2:02 PM
I really like it. The shape, foot included, reminds me a bit of a chemists morter. How about the name Carpe Carpio (Sieze the fish)?

Bernie Weishapl
03-26-2012, 9:55 PM
Jim that is a great looking piece. Fish look great.

Roger Chandler
03-26-2012, 10:30 PM
Real nice work Jim! I think this one would be better without the foot as well.........and I am a guy who likes a foot on a bowl, but this one has such vertical walls, that the foot looks like it is not part of the form..........super nice bowl and fine carving.........good piece overall!

Jim Underwood
03-27-2012, 9:42 AM
Thanks for all the replies, compliments and critiques.

Just to let you know, the original sketch didn't include a foot... So perhaps the next iteration of this will leave it off.

I think I'm going to actually make a full size drawing of the next one, so as to have a template that works instead of eyeballing it until it "looks right".

Mike Cruz
03-27-2012, 9:46 AM
So, Jim, when you took the photos, I guess you had to put your best fish forward... :D AH! I kill myself...

Jim Underwood
03-27-2012, 9:54 AM
:)Yeah.. there were a few that needed a bit more work, but I was too tired and too ready to be done... I could probably touch them up now that it's off the chuck and there's a bit more mobility...