View Full Version : Taper Jig

Jason Christenson
03-25-2005, 2:04 PM
Does anyone have a good design for a shop made taper jig? Thanks in advance.


John Branam
03-25-2005, 3:29 PM
Search Tom Hintz's web site newwoodworker.com he has a taper jig that is really simple to make and use.

Hoa Dinh
03-25-2005, 5:22 PM
I don't have a dedicated taper jig. Oops, in fact, I do. It is the two leg thingy I bought when I was young and innocent. It's been hanging on the wall for the last 6, 7 years now.

My current taper jig is a piece of whatever sheetgoods available at hand. I call it a carrier.

A carrier is but a piece of sheetgoods a few inches longer than the workpiece and at least 8" wide. I set the rip fence to trim off about 1/8" of the carrier. I draw the line of cut on the workpiece, then using double-sided tape, I attach the workpiece to the carrier, the cut line aligned with the new cut edge of the carrier.

Without moving the rip fence, I throw the whole thing on the TS. With one edge of the carrier against the rip fence, I trim off the part of the workpiece that hangs over the carrier.

Sometimes I cut the workpiece a few inches longer than needed. Using screws, I attach it to the carrier at either ends, and trim the ends off after the taper has been cut.

Most of the time the carrier is under the workpiece. If the combined thickness of the carrier and the workpiece is too great for the blade, I have the carrier on top of the workpiece (can I still call it "carrier" then?).

Afterward, the carrier goes back to the scrap bin, or wherever it came from.

I use the same approach for edge-jointing on the TS.

Jason Christenson
03-25-2005, 6:24 PM
Thanks. A lot.