View Full Version : Cherry Gloat - sort of

Paul Cahill
03-21-2012, 10:23 PM
This is not a gloat in the sense that I beat out the hoards to a killer listing on CL, but recently a friend of mine said his dad had some cherry that he had had for years and wasn't ever going to use. He wanted to give it to someone he knew would use it.

I was more than happy to oblige and I went by tonight to pick it up. Most of it is 8/4 and 8-10 ft long, but some is a little thicker and some a little less. It has been outside covered by a tarp for about 8 years. Right now I have it in my garage, and I am not sure how best to store it. I am open to suggestions?



Phil Thien
03-22-2012, 8:47 AM
Have you checked for signs of insects?

If it has been outside for six years, covered by a tarp, I'd be a bit concerned that wood munching bugs have gotten to it. Look for small holes.

I might consider having it kilned to make sure there is nothing in it.

Then I'd store it inside.

Paul Cahill
03-22-2012, 9:44 AM
Thanks Phil. I hadn't thought about insects in the wood. It looked good at first glance, other that lots of spider activity which all brushed off. I will take a close look this weekend. I am not sure how I would go about having it kilned though.


James White
03-22-2012, 10:05 AM

If it where me. I would stack it with stickers in between. Most tarps leak so the moisture content will be inconsistent at best. Then watch for any piles of fras. You can also look for the bored holes of the powder post beetles. They are small enough to miss. But if you are careful you can spot them.


Mike Wilkins
03-22-2012, 10:38 AM
You lucky bum. Nice score. Get some concrete blocks to place the boards on to get them off the concrete floor. Then place some stickers between the boards to facilitate air circulation.