View Full Version : Klingspor shop roll j-weight sand papers

Tri Hoang
03-20-2012, 10:58 AM
I'm mostly do spindle turnings (for now) and would like your opinion on it. I've been using just Norton 3X papers but am looking for more flexible materials. Thanks.

David E Keller
03-20-2012, 7:16 PM
I use them occasionally, but I've gone to the pink discs from Vince Welch mostly. They do have some nice boxes of end rolls and cutoffs for pretty cheap on the Klingspor website.

Bill Hensley
03-21-2012, 8:47 AM
If you are talking about the Klingspor Gold, that's the good stuff. That's what I use for all my turnings.


I'm fortunate to have a store close by and I buy it by the pound from their scrap bin.

Be sure to check out the shipping special they have until the end of the month, 2.99 flat rate.

Mark Levitski
03-21-2012, 6:45 PM
Klingspor Gold IS the good stuff for flexibility, however don't use it for power sanding in the disc form. We had the 3" discs de-laminate quite quickly. Klingspor readily replaced them w/ the stearated white (which we love for this) and said that the adhesive from cloth to hook can be problematic ??? . We also like the rolls of gold which we use in the 1" form (nothing to de-laminate), but they are not that much better than the J-weight brown cloth-backed rolls. As far as sheets-dunno.

John Beaver
03-21-2012, 11:09 PM
I think the shop rolls are a great value. They are not quite as thick or sturdy as the Gold, but they will work great for your spindle turning.
I keep a full set of them over my lathe and just rip a piece off as needed. (I do mostly bowls and vessels)