View Full Version : wood gloat

charlie knighton
03-16-2012, 4:14 PM
got a call from Terry Mitchell, Joe Williams had cut down his bradford pear, i had a maple and a dontknow tree cut yesterday, but i have never turned any bradford pear, so he got some and i got some, big trunk, i got six vase blanks from 1/2 trunk piece and some bowl blanks , Terry made one large bowl blank and has a bunch more bowl blanks in trunk form

need to cut the dontknow wood off the maple, but heading to Big Lick tomorrow to see Keith Tompkins

Michael Menzli
03-16-2012, 5:08 PM
Cool Charlie...I see your in VA as well.. try posting some pics of dontknowtree and ill try and help identify it..cool score

David E Keller
03-16-2012, 5:19 PM
You're gonna love that pear... Not the most interesting wood, but nothing turns sweeter!

charlie knighton
03-16-2012, 5:52 PM
Michael, i recognize the ambrosia maple, dont know the one on top

Bernie Weishapl
03-16-2012, 6:06 PM
Congrats Charlie. Some nice looking wood.

Roger Chandler
03-16-2012, 11:20 PM
Nice haul Charlie.........looks like you have a lot of vines to contend with as well..............good luck with it all..........you will like Bradford Pear............just get it sealed right away........it cracks if you look at it!

Steve Schlumpf
03-16-2012, 11:25 PM
Congrats on all that wood Charlie! No idea about the dontknow wood... but sure looks like it would turn just fine!!

charlie knighton
03-17-2012, 7:04 AM
just get it sealed right away........it cracks if you look at it!

Roger, i filled one small cardboard barrel with bradford pear, no anchoseal and had to put 2 blanks of bp in the freezer with some maple (a la John Jordan)(no anchoseal)